#1 Tutorial query causes error return

Créé il y a 5 ans par krotik · 0 commentaires

The query:

lookup Line "3" traverse Line:StationOnLine:Member:Station where has_rail end show Station:name, Station:zone


Could not determine key of primary node - query needs a primary expression

changing the query to:

lookup Line "3" traverse Line:StationOnLine:Member:Station where has_rail end show name, Station:name, Station:zone


The query: ``` lookup Line "3" traverse Line:StationOnLine:Member:Station where has_rail end show Station:name, Station:zone ``` causes: ``` Could not determine key of primary node - query needs a primary expression ``` changing the query to: ``` lookup Line "3" traverse Line:StationOnLine:Member:Station where has_rail end show name, Station:name, Station:zone ``` works.
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