@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
+from threading import Thread
+import time
+# Declarations
+# ============
+# Default configuration for mplayer control thread
+default_config = {
+ "streaming_url" : "http://localhost:9092",
+ "per_artist_path" : "/artist",
+ "default_url" : "",
+# Queue for player commands
+cmd_queue = []
+# Command object
+class Cmd(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, param={}):
+ self.name = name
+ self.param = param
+# Command names for the queue
+# Stream per artist
+# Expected parameter: name - Name of the artist
+CMD_NEW_ARTIST_STREAM = "New Artist Stream"
+# Stop current stream
+CMD_STOP_STREAM = "Stop Stream"
+# Internal
+# ========
+# Internal reference to mplayer process
+_player_instance = None
+# Internal mplayer control table
+_mplayer_control = {
+ "step-backward" : "\x1B[B",
+ "backward" : "\x1B[D",
+ "forward" : "\x1B[C",
+ "step-forward" : "\x1B[A",
+ "volume-down" : "9",
+ "volume-off" : "m",
+ "volume-up" : "0",
+ "stop" : "q",
+ "pause" : " ",
+ "play" : " ",
+# Internal config
+_config = None
+def run():
+ global _player_instance, _config, _mplayer_control
+ while True:
+ try:
+ # Read the next command
+ cmd = cmd_queue.pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ # If nothing is in the queue wait for a second and try again
+ time.sleep(1)
+ else:
+ if cmd.name == CMD_STOP_STREAM:
+ # Stop the current stream
+ _stopPlayer()
+ if cmd.name == CMD_NEW_ARTIST_STREAM:
+ # Stop any current stream
+ _stopPlayer()
+ # Start a new player with the given artist playlist
+ _player_instance = Popen(["mplayer", "-slave", _config["streaming_url"] +
+ _config["per_artist_path"] + "/" + cmd.param["name"]], stdin=PIPE)
+def _stopPlayer():
+ '''
+ Stop A running player instance.
+ '''
+ global _player_instance, _mplayer_control
+ if _player_instance is not None:
+ _player_instance.stdin.write(bytes(_mplayer_control["stop"], "UTF-8"))
+ _player_instance.stdin.flush()
+ _player_instance.terminate()
+ _player_instance = None
+# Main API
+# ========
+def start(config=None):
+ '''
+ Start the new mplayer control thread.
+ '''
+ global _config, _player_instance
+ c = default_config.copy()
+ if config is not None:
+ c.update(config)
+ _config = c
+ playerThread = Thread(target=run, args=())
+ playerThread.daemon = True
+ playerThread.start()
+ # Start default playlist if defined
+ d = config["default_url"]
+ if d != "":
+ _player_instance = Popen(["mplayer", "-slave", d], stdin=PIPE)