configs.txt 1.2 KB

  1. Install
  2. =======
  3. 1. Put raspbian on a SD card and boot the image
  4. 2. Login with pi / raspberry
  5. 3. Change root and pi passwords
  6. # sudo su
  7. # passwd
  8. # passwd pi
  9. 4. Enable WLan network
  10. add to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
  11. network={
  12. ssid="Kleines Arschloch"
  13. psk="<the wlan password>"
  14. }
  15. Enable ssh via raspi-config
  16. Interfacing Options -> SSH
  17. Change hostname in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts to
  18. hackerradio
  19. 5. Add prompt and ll command
  20. Add to .profile for root and pi
  21. PS1="\u@\h:\w>"
  22. ll () {
  23. ls -alh --color=always "$@"
  24. }
  25. 6. Add essential commands
  26. apt-get install screen
  27. apt-get install lsof
  28. 7. Add mplayer
  29. apt-get install mplayer
  30. 8. Make logging write to tmpfs
  31. add to /etc/fstab
  32. tmpfs /var/log tmpfs size=1M,noatime 0 0
  33. 9. Disable bluetooth
  34. Add to /boot/config.txt
  35. dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt
  36. Disable services
  37. sudo systemctl disable hciuart.service
  38. sudo systemctl disable bluealsa.service
  39. sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service
  40. 10. Mount in Osel
  41. Create /mnt/media
  42. Add to /etc/fstab
  43. // /mnt/media cifs vers=1.0,password= 0 0
  44. 11. Configure audio
  45. Force audio via jack via raspi-config
  46. Advanced Options -> Audio
  47. Increase audio level to max via alsamixer