package v1 import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "mime/multipart" "net/http" "os" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestFileSync(t *testing.T) { queryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointFile dirqueryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointDir progressqueryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointProgress // Setup a tree defer func() { // Make sure all trees are removed api.ResetTrees() }() tree, err := rufs.NewTree(api.TreeConfigTemplate, api.TreeCertTemplate) errorutil.AssertOk(err) api.AddTree("Hans1", tree) fooRPC := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", branchConfigs["footest"][config.RPCHost], branchConfigs["footest"][config.RPCPort]) fooFP := footest.SSLFingerprint() err = tree.AddBranch("footest", fooRPC, fooFP) errorutil.AssertOk(err) err = tree.AddMapping("/", "footest", true) errorutil.AssertOk(err) // Make the target directory os.Mkdir("foo/sync1", 0755) defer func() { errorutil.AssertOk(os.RemoveAll("foo/sync1")) }() st, _, res := sendTestRequest(dirqueryURL+"Hans1?recursive=TRUE&checksums=1", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "/": [ { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "sub1", "size": 4096 }, { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "sync1", "size": 4096 }, { "checksum": "73b8af47", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 }, { "checksum": "b0c1fadd", "isdir": false, "name": "test2", "size": 10 } ], "/sub1": [ { "checksum": "f89782b1", "isdir": false, "name": "test3", "size": 17 } ], "/sync1": null }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Do the sync st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "sync", "destination" : "/sync1" }`)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } var resMap map[string]interface{} json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &resMap) pid := fmt.Sprint(resMap["progress_id"]) for { st, _, res = sendTestRequest(progressqueryURL+"Hans1/"+pid, "GET", nil) json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &resMap) if st != "200 OK" || len(resMap["errors"].([]interface{})) > 0 || (resMap["progress"] == resMap["total_progress"] && resMap["item"] == resMap["total_items"]) { break } } if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "errors": [], "item": 5, "operation": "Copy file", "progress": 17, "subject": "/sub1/test3", "total_items": 5, "total_progress": 17 }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond) // Wait a small time so all operations are guaranteed to finish st, _, res = sendTestRequest(dirqueryURL+"Hans1?recursive=TRUE&checksums=1", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "/": [ { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "sub1", "size": 4096 }, { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "sync1", "size": 4096 }, { "checksum": "73b8af47", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 }, { "checksum": "b0c1fadd", "isdir": false, "name": "test2", "size": 10 } ], "/sub1": [ { "checksum": "f89782b1", "isdir": false, "name": "test3", "size": 17 } ], "/sync1": [ { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "sub1", "size": 4096 }, { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "sync1", "size": 4096 }, { "checksum": "73b8af47", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 }, { "checksum": "b0c1fadd", "isdir": false, "name": "test2", "size": 10 } ], "/sync1/sub1": [ { "checksum": "f89782b1", "isdir": false, "name": "test3", "size": 17 } ], "/sync1/sync1": null }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Test errors st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "sync" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Parameter destination is missing from request body" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } tree.Reset(false) ProgressMap = datautil.NewMapCache(100, 0) err = tree.AddMapping("/", "footest", false) errorutil.AssertOk(err) st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "sync", "destination" : "/sync1" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "All applicable branches for the requested path were mounted as not writable" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check error in ProgressMap for k := range ProgressMap.GetAll() { k = strings.Split(k, "#")[1] _, _, res = sendTestRequest(progressqueryURL+"Hans1/"+k, "GET", nil) resMap = nil errorutil.AssertOk(json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &resMap)) if res := fmt.Sprint(resMap["errors"]); res != "[All applicable branches for the requested path were mounted as not writable]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) } break } } func TestFileUpload(t *testing.T) { queryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointFile dirqueryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointDir // Setup a tree defer func() { // Make sure all trees are removed api.ResetTrees() }() tree, err := rufs.NewTree(api.TreeConfigTemplate, api.TreeCertTemplate) errorutil.AssertOk(err) api.AddTree("Hans1", tree) fooRPC := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", branchConfigs["footest"][config.RPCHost], branchConfigs["footest"][config.RPCPort]) fooFP := footest.SSLFingerprint() err = tree.AddBranch("footest", fooRPC, fooFP) errorutil.AssertOk(err) err = tree.AddMapping("/", "footest", true) errorutil.AssertOk(err) // Send a file body := &bytes.Buffer{} writer := multipart.NewWriter(body) part, err := writer.CreateFormFile("uploadfile", "foo-upload.txt") errorutil.AssertOk(err) part.Write([]byte("footest")) part, err = writer.CreateFormFile("uploadfile", "bar-upload.txt") errorutil.AssertOk(err) part.Write([]byte("bartest")) writer.WriteField("redirect", "/foo/bar") writer.Close() req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", queryURL+"Hans1/", body) if err != nil { panic(err) } req.Header.Set("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType()) client := &http.Client{} client.CheckRedirect = func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error { return http.ErrUseLastResponse } resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() respBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) respBodyStr := strings.Trim(string(respBody), " \n") if l, _ := resp.Location(); resp.Status != "302 Found" || l.String() != "http://localhost:9040/foo/bar" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", resp.Status, l.String(), respBodyStr) return } defer func() { // Remove the uploaded files after we are done os.RemoveAll("foo/foo-upload.txt") os.RemoveAll("foo/bar-upload.txt") }() // Check that the file has been written st, _, res := sendTestRequest(dirqueryURL+"Hans1?recursive=TRUE&checksums=1", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "/": [ { "checksum": "bab796f6", "isdir": false, "name": "bar-upload.txt", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "75f4b6fe", "isdir": false, "name": "foo-upload.txt", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "sub1", "size": 4096 }, { "checksum": "73b8af47", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 }, { "checksum": "b0c1fadd", "isdir": false, "name": "test2", "size": 10 } ], "/sub1": [ { "checksum": "f89782b1", "isdir": false, "name": "test3", "size": 17 } ] }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check the files have been written correctly txt, err := ioutil.ReadFile("foo/foo-upload.txt") if err != nil || string(txt) != "footest" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", string(txt), err) return } txt, err = ioutil.ReadFile("foo/bar-upload.txt") if err != nil || string(txt) != "bartest" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", string(txt), err) return } // Test error cases st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL, "POST", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Need a tree name and a file path" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans2", "POST", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Unknown tree: Hans2" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1", "POST", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Could not read request body: request Content-Type isn't multipart/form-data" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } writer = multipart.NewWriter(body) part, err = writer.CreateFormFile("uploadfile2", "foo-upload.txt") if err != nil { panic(err) } errorutil.AssertOk(err) part.Write([]byte("footest")) writer.Close() req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", queryURL+"Hans1/", body) if err != nil { panic(err) } req.Header.Set("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType()) client = &http.Client{} resp, err = client.Do(req) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() respBody, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) respBodyStr = strings.Trim(string(respBody), " \n") if resp.Status != "400 Bad Request" || respBodyStr != "Could not find 'uploadfile' form field" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", resp.Status, respBodyStr) return } // Try with a absolute redirect writer = multipart.NewWriter(body) part, err = writer.CreateFormFile("uploadfile", "foo-upload.txt") errorutil.AssertOk(err) part.Write([]byte("footest")) writer.WriteField("redirect", "http://bla") writer.Close() req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", queryURL+"Hans1/", body) if err != nil { panic(err) } req.Header.Set("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType()) client = &http.Client{} resp, err = client.Do(req) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() respBody, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) respBodyStr = strings.Trim(string(respBody), " \n") if resp.Status != "400 Bad Request" || respBodyStr != "Could not redirect: Redirection URL must not be an absolute URL" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", resp.Status, respBodyStr) return } // Remap branch as read-only tree.Reset(false) err = tree.AddMapping("/", "footest", false) errorutil.AssertOk(err) writer = multipart.NewWriter(body) part, err = writer.CreateFormFile("uploadfile", "foo-upload.txt") errorutil.AssertOk(err) part.Write([]byte("footest")) writer.Close() req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", queryURL+"Hans1/", body) if err != nil { panic(err) } req.Header.Set("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType()) client = &http.Client{} resp, err = client.Do(req) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() respBody, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) respBodyStr = strings.Trim(string(respBody), " \n") if resp.Status != "400 Bad Request" || respBodyStr != "Could not write file foo-upload.txt: All applicable branches for the requested path were mounted as not writable" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", resp.Status, respBodyStr) return } } func TestFileQuery(t *testing.T) { queryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointFile dirqueryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointDir progressqueryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointProgress // Setup a tree defer func() { // Make sure all trees are removed api.ResetTrees() }() tree, err := rufs.NewTree(api.TreeConfigTemplate, api.TreeCertTemplate) errorutil.AssertOk(err) api.AddTree("Hans1", tree) fooRPC := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", branchConfigs["footest"][config.RPCHost], branchConfigs["footest"][config.RPCPort]) fooFP := footest.SSLFingerprint() err = tree.AddBranch("footest", fooRPC, fooFP) errorutil.AssertOk(err) err = tree.AddMapping("/", "footest", false) errorutil.AssertOk(err) barRPC := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", branchConfigs["bartest"][config.RPCHost], branchConfigs["bartest"][config.RPCPort]) barFP := bartest.SSLFingerprint() err = tree.AddBranch("bartest", barRPC, barFP) errorutil.AssertOk(err) err = tree.AddMapping("/tmp", "bartest", true) errorutil.AssertOk(err) // Create a file for renaming and deletion ioutil.WriteFile("bar/newfile1", []byte("test123"), 0660) st, _, res := sendTestRequest(dirqueryURL+"Hans1?recursive=TRUE&checksums=1", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "/": [ { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "sub1", "size": 4096 }, { "checksum": "73b8af47", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 }, { "checksum": "b0c1fadd", "isdir": false, "name": "test2", "size": 10 }, { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "tmp", "size": 0 } ], "/sub1": [ { "checksum": "f89782b1", "isdir": false, "name": "test3", "size": 17 } ], "/tmp": [ { "checksum": "abcc6601", "isdir": false, "name": "newfile1", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "5b62da0f", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 } ] }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Read a file st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/test2", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` Test2 file`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Try to delete a file st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/test2", "DELETE", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "All applicable branches for the requested path were mounted as not writable" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/test2", "DELETE", []byte(`["1.txt", "2.txt"]`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "All applicable branches for the requested path were mounted as not writable" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Rename the file st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/tmp/newfile1", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "rename", "newname" : "newtest1" }`)) if st != "200 OK" || res != "{}" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Create a directory st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/tmp/upload/", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "mkdir" }`)) if st != "200 OK" || res != "{}" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Copy a file st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/tmp/newtest1", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "copy", "destination" : "/tmp/upload/" }`)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } var resMap map[string]interface{} json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &resMap) pid := fmt.Sprint(resMap["progress_id"]) for { st, _, res = sendTestRequest(progressqueryURL+"Hans1/"+pid, "GET", nil) json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &resMap) if st != "200 OK" || resMap["progress"] == resMap["total_progress"] { break } } if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "errors": [], "item": 1, "operation": "Copy", "progress": 7, "subject": "/newtest1", "total_items": 1, "total_progress": 7 }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/tmp/upload/newtest1", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "rename", "newname" : "bla.txt" }`)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check the directory st, _, res = sendTestRequest(dirqueryURL+"Hans1/tmp?recursive=1&checksums=1", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "/tmp": [ { "checksum": "abcc6601", "isdir": false, "name": "newtest1", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "5b62da0f", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 }, { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "upload", "size": 4096 } ], "/tmp/upload": [ { "checksum": "abcc6601", "isdir": false, "name": "bla.txt", "size": 7 } ] }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Copy multiple files st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "copy", "files" : ["/tmp/newtest1", "/tmp/test1"], "destination" : "/tmp/upload" }`)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &resMap) pid = fmt.Sprint(resMap["progress_id"]) for { st, _, res = sendTestRequest(progressqueryURL+"Hans1/"+pid, "GET", nil) json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &resMap) if st != "200 OK" || (resMap["progress"] == resMap["total_progress"] && resMap["item"] == resMap["total_items"]) { break } } if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "errors": [], "item": 2, "operation": "Copy", "progress": 10, "subject": "/test1", "total_items": 2, "total_progress": 10 }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check the directory st, _, res = sendTestRequest(dirqueryURL+"Hans1/tmp?recursive=1&checksums=1", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "/tmp": [ { "checksum": "abcc6601", "isdir": false, "name": "newtest1", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "5b62da0f", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 }, { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "upload", "size": 4096 } ], "/tmp/upload": [ { "checksum": "abcc6601", "isdir": false, "name": "bla.txt", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "abcc6601", "isdir": false, "name": "newtest1", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "5b62da0f", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 } ] }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Rename multiple files st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "rename", "files" : ["/tmp/newtest1", "/tmp/upload", "/tmp/upload1/bla.txt"], "newnames" : ["/tmp/newtest2", "/tmp/upload1", "/tmp/upload1/bla1.txt"] }`)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check the directory st, _, res = sendTestRequest(dirqueryURL+"Hans1/tmp?recursive=1&checksums=1", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "/tmp": [ { "checksum": "abcc6601", "isdir": false, "name": "newtest2", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "5b62da0f", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 }, { "checksum": "", "isdir": true, "name": "upload1", "size": 4096 } ], "/tmp/upload1": [ { "checksum": "abcc6601", "isdir": false, "name": "bla1.txt", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "abcc6601", "isdir": false, "name": "newtest1", "size": 7 }, { "checksum": "5b62da0f", "isdir": false, "name": "test1", "size": 10 } ] }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Test error conditions st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "rename", "files" : ["/tmp/newtest1", "/tmp/upload", "/tmp/upload1/bla.txt"], "newnames" : "/tmp/newtest2" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Parameter newnames must be a list of filenames" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "rename", "newnames" : ["/tmp/newtest2"] }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Parameter files is missing from request body" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "rename", "files" : "/tmp/newtest1", "newnames" : ["/tmp/newtest2"] }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Parameter files must be a list of files" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "copy", "files" : "/tmp/newtest1", "destination" : "/tmp/upload" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Parameter files must be a list of files" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } ProgressMap = datautil.NewMapCache(100, 0) st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/tmp/newtest3", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "copy", "destination" : "/tmp/upload/bla.txt" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Cannot stat /tmp/newtest3: RufsError: Remote error (file does not exist)" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check error in ProgressMap for k := range ProgressMap.GetAll() { k = strings.Split(k, "#")[1] _, _, res = sendTestRequest(progressqueryURL+"Hans1/"+k, "GET", nil) resMap = nil errorutil.AssertOk(json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &resMap)) if res := fmt.Sprint(resMap["errors"]); res != "[Cannot stat /tmp/newtest3: RufsError: Remote error (file does not exist)]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) } break } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Need a tree name and a file path" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans2/bla", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Unknown tree: Hans2" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/bla", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Could not read file bla: RufsError: Remote error (stat /bla: no such file or directory)" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(progressqueryURL+"Hans1/", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Need a tree name and a progress ID" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(progressqueryURL+"Hans2/bla", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Unknown tree: Hans2" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(progressqueryURL+"Hans1/bla", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Unknown progress ID: bla" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL, "PUT", []byte("")) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Need a tree name and a file path" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans2/bla", "PUT", []byte("")) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Unknown tree: Hans2" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/bla", "PUT", []byte(` aaa{ "action" : "copy", "destination" : "/tmp/upload/bla.txt" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Could not decode request body: invalid character 'a' looking for beginning of value" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/bla", "PUT", []byte(` { "action2" : "copy", "destination" : "/tmp/upload/bla.txt" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Action command is missing from request body" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/bla", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "copy", "destination2" : "/tmp/upload/bla.txt" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Parameter destination is missing from request body" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/bla", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "copy2", "destination" : "/tmp/upload/bla.txt" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Unknown action: copy2" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"Hans1/bla", "PUT", []byte(` { "action" : "rename" }`)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Parameter newname is missing from request body" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } }