import "./templates.ecal" as tmpl import "./const.ecal" as const import "./helper.ecal" as hlp import "./engine.ecal" as engine /* GameState holds the runtime state of all active games. */ GameState := {} /* Websocket holds all active websocket connections. */ Websocket := {} /* Get details of a game world. Endpoint: /db/ecal/game */ sink GetGameWorld kindmatch ["db.web.ecal"] statematch {"path" : "game", "method" : "GET"} priority 10 { let gameWorld try { let gameName := event.state.query.gameName[0] if gameName != "main" { raise(const.Errors.EntityNotFound, "Game world {{gameName}} not found") } gameWorld := tmpl.newGameWorld(gameName) mutex GameStateMutex { if GameState[gameName] == null { db.storeNode(gameName, gameWorld) sprites := [] for i in range(1, 8) { posX := math.floor(rand() * gameWorld.screenWidth - 100) + 100 posY := math.floor(rand() * gameWorld.screenHeight - 100) + 100 size := math.floor(rand() * 30) + 20 rot := rand() * math.Pi * 2 sprites := add(sprites, tmpl.newAsteroid("asteroid-{{i}}", posX, posY, size, rot, 0.005)) } GameState[gameName] := { "players" : {}, "sprites" : sprites, "stats" : {}, "world" : gameWorld } } } } except e { error(e) db.raiseWebEventHandled({"status" : const.ErrorCodes[e.type], "body" : {"error" : e.type}}) } otherwise { db.raiseWebEventHandled({"cstatusode" : 200, "body" : {"result" : "success", "gameworld" : gameWorld}}) } } /* Register a new websocket connection Endpoint: wss:///db/sock/gamestate */ sink WebSocketRegister kindmatch ["db.web.sock"] statematch {"path" : "gamestate", "method" : "GET"} priority 0 { let gameName := event.state.query.gameName[0] let playerName := event.state.query.playerName[0] let commID := event.state.commID mutex WebsocketMutex { Websocket[commID] := {"gamename" : gameName} } log("Register websocket for player: ", playerName, " in game: ", gameName, " commID: ", commID) } /* Register a new player. Endpoint: /db/ecal/player */ sink RegisterNewPlayer kindmatch ["db.web.ecal"] statematch {"path" : "player", "method" : "POST"} priority 10 { let sprite let gameWorld try { let playerName := event.state.bodyJSON.player let gameName := event.state.bodyJSON.gameName let gameWorld := GameState[gameName].world mutex GameStateMutex { if GameState[gameName].players[playerName] == null { posY := math.floor(rand() * gameWorld.screenHeight - 100) + 100 GameState[gameName].players[playerName] := tmpl.newPlayer(event.state.bodyJSON.player, 20, posY) /* Reset any player score */ addEvent("changescore", "main.gamescore", { "id" : playerName, "part" : gameName, "changeFunc" : func (s) { s.score := 0 } }) log("Registered player: ", playerName, " for game:", gameName) } } } except e { error(e) db.raiseWebEventHandled({"status" : const.ErrorCodes["InternalError"], "body" : {"error" : const.Errors.InternalError}}) } otherwise { db.raiseWebEventHandled({"status" : 200, "body" : { "result" : "success", "sprite" : sprite, "gameworld" : gameWorld }}) } } /* Handle player input - send over an established websocket connection. */ sink WebSocketHandler kindmatch [""] statematch {"path" : "gamestate", "method" : "GET"} priority 0 { try { let playerName := let gameName := let action := let state := mutex GameStateMutex { if GameState[gameName].players[playerName] != null { for [k, v] in state { GameState[gameName].players[playerName][k] := v } if not action in ["move", "stop move"] and GameState[gameName].players[playerName].action == null { GameState[gameName].players[playerName].action := action } } else { log("Someone didn't know they were gone: ", playerName) addEventAndWait("StateUpdate", "db.web.sock.msg", {"commID" : event.state.commID, "payload" : {"toRemovePlayerIds" : [playerName]}}) } } } except e { error(e) } } /* GameScore sink. */ sink MainGameScore kindmatch ["main.gamescore"] priority 100 { try { let scoreObj := db.fetchNode(event.state.part,, const.ObjectKinds.ScoreObject) if scoreObj == null { scoreObj := { "key" :, "kind" : const.ObjectKinds.ScoreObject, "score" : 0 } } event.state.changeFunc(scoreObj) db.storeNode(event.state.part, scoreObj) } except e { error("GameScore:", e) } } /* Object for main game engine. */ MainGameEngine := new(engine.GameEngine, "main", tmpl.DefaultGameWorld, GameState, Websocket) /* GameLoop sink. */ sink MainGameLoop kindmatch ["main.gameloop"] priority 100 { try { MainGameEngine.moveLoop() } except e { error("Game loop:", e) } } /* Period game events loop. */ sink PeriodicGameEvents kindmatch ["main.periodicgameevents"] priority 100 { try { mutex GameStateMutex { for [gameName, state] in GameState { let gameWorld := if len(GameState[gameName].sprites) < 10 { log("Adding more asteroids", gameWorld.screenWidth) sprites := GameState[gameName].sprites for i in range(1, 4) { posX := math.floor(rand() * gameWorld.screenWidth - 100) + 100 posY := gameWorld.screenHeight - 100 size := math.floor(rand() * 40) + 20 rot := rand() * math.Pi * 2 sprites := add(sprites, tmpl.newAsteroid("asteroid-{{now()}}-{{i}}", posX, posY, size, rot, 0.005)) } GameState[gameName].sprites := sprites } } } } except e { error("Periodic events loop:", e) } } /* Trigger the main game loop in a set interval (microseconds). The interval here must always be greater than the total time of the move loop (see the time_total_move stat recorded in engine.ecal). 35000 - 35 milli seconds - smooth animation calculated in the backend, frontend only needs to display */ setPulseTrigger(35000, "Main Game Loop", "main.gameloop") /* Trigger periodic events in the game 1000000 - 1 second */ setPulseTrigger(1000000, "Periodic Game Events", "main.periodicgameevents")