EliasDB Event Condition Action Language ======================================= EliasDB supports a scripting language called [Event Condition Action Language (ECAL)](ecal-lang.md) to enable rule based scripting functionality. ECAL provides [database trigger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_trigger) functionality for EliasDB. ECAL was added for the following use-cases: - Providing a way to manipulate data in response to events - Enforce certain aspects of a database schema - Providing back-end logic for web applications using EliasDB The source of EliasDB comes with a [game example](examples/game/doc/game.md) which demonstrates a more complex application of ECAL. ECAL related config values: -- These ECAL related config options are available in `eliasdb.config.json`: | Configuration Option | Description | | --- | --- | | EnableECALScripts | Enable ECAL scripting. | | ECALScriptFolder | Scripting folder for ECAL scripts. | | ECALEntryScript | Entry script in the script folder. | | ECALLogFile | File in which the logs should be written (use an empty string for stdout). | | ECALLogLevel | Log level for the printed logs. | | EnableECALDebugServer | Enable debugging and start the ECAL debug server. Note: Activating debugging will slow down the interpreter speed significantly! | | ECALDebugServerHost | Host for the debug server. | | ECALDebugServerPort | Port for the debug server. | ECAL Debugging -- If the debug server is enabled in the config file then it is possible to debug ECAL scripts with [VSCode](https://devt.de/krotik/ecal/src/master/ecal-support/README.md). The debugger supports break points and thread state inspection. It is also possible to restart and reload the scripts. Using the `-ecal-console` parameter it is possible to open an interactive console into the server process. If used together with the debug server additional debug commands are available also there. Enter `?` to see the build-in documentation. EliasDB specific events which can be handled: -- The ECAL interpreter in EliasDB receives the following events: | Web Request | ECAL event kind | Event state contents | Description | | --- | ---| --- | --- | | /db/api/|`db.web.api`| bodyJSON, bodyString, header, method, path, pathList, query | Any web request to /db/api/... These endpoints are public and never require authentication. | | /db/ecal/|`db.web.ecal`| bodyJSON, bodyString, header, method, path, pathList, query | Any web request to /db/ecal/... These endpoints are considered internal and require authentication if access control is enabled. | | /db/sock/|`db.web.sock`| bodyJSON, bodyString, commID, header, method, path, pathList, query | Any web request to /db/sock/... These endpoints are used to initiate websocket connections. | | - |`db.web.sock.data`| commID, data, header, method, path, pathList, query | An existing websocket connection received some JSON object data. If the close attribute of the object is set to true then the websocket connection is closed. | | EliasDB Graph Event | ECAL event kind | Event state contents | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | graph.EventNodeCreated | `db.node.created` | part, trans, node | A node was created. | | graph.EventNodeUpdated | `db.node.updated` | part, trans, node, old_node | A node was updated. | | graph.EventNodeDeleted | `db.node.deleted` | part, trans, node | A node was deleted. | | graph.EventEdgeCreated | `db.edge.created` | part, trans, edge | An edge was created. | | graph.EventEdgeUpdated | `db.edge.updated` | part, trans, edge, old_edge | An edge was updated. | | graph.EventEdgeDeleted | `db.edge.deleted` | part, trans, edge | An edge was deleted. | | graph.EventNodeStore | `db.node.store` | part, trans, node | A node is about to be stored (always overwriting existing values). | | graph.EventNodeUpdate | `db.node.update` | part, trans, node | A node is about to be updated. | | graph.EventNodeDelete | `db.node.delete` | part, trans, key, kind | A node is about to be deleted. | | graph.EventEdgeStore | `db.edge.store` | part, trans, edge | An edge is about to be stored. | | graph.EventEdgeDelete | `db.edge.delete` | part, trans, key, kind | An edge is about to be deleted. | Note: EliasDB will wait for the event cascade to be finished before performing the actual operation (e.g. inserting a node). If the event handling requires a time consuming operation then a new parallel event cascade can be started using `addEvent` with a scope: EliasDB can receive the following events from the ECAL interpreter: | ECAL event kind | Event state contents | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | db.web.sock.msg | commID, payload, close | The payload is send to a client with an open websocket identified by the commID. | ``` addEvent("request", "foo.bar.xxx", { "payload" : 123 }, { "": true # This scope allows all events }) ``` EliasDB specific functions: -- The ECAL interpreter in EliasDB supports the following EliasDB specific functions: #### `db.storeNode(partition, nodeMap, [transaction])` Inserts or updates a node in EliasDB. Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition of the node nodeMap | Node object as a map with at least a key and a kind attribute transaction | Optional a transaction to group a set of changes Example: ``` db.storeNode("main", { "key" : "foo", "kind" : "bar", "data" : 123, }) ``` #### `db.updateNode(partition, nodeMap, [transaction])` Updates a node in EliasDB (only update the given values of the node). Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition of the node nodeMap | Node object as a map with at least a key and a kind attribute transaction | Optional a transaction to group a set of changes Example: ``` db.updateNode("main", { "key" : "foo", "kind" : "bar", "data" : 123, }) ``` #### `db.removeNode(partition, nodeKey, nodeKind, [transaction])` Removes a node in EliasDB. Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition of the node nodeKey | Key attribute of the node to remove nodeKind | Kind attribute of the node to remove transaction | Optional a transaction to group a set of changes Example: ``` db.removeNode("main", "foo", "bar") ``` #### `db.fetchNode(partition, nodeKey, nodeKind)` Fetches a node in EliasDB. Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition of the node nodeKey | Key attribute of the node to fetch nodeKind | Kind attribute of the node to fetch Example: ``` db.fetchNode("main", "foo", "bar") ``` #### `db.storeEdge(partition, edgeMap, [transaction])` Inserts or updates an edge in EliasDB. Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition of the edge edgeMap | Edge object as a map with at least the main attributes: key, kind, end1cascading, end1key, end1kind, end1role, end2cascading, end2key, end2kind, end2role transaction | Optional a transaction to group a set of changes Example: ``` db.storeEdge("main", { "key": "123", "kind": "myedges", "end1cascading": true, "end1key": "foo", "end1kind": "bar", "end1role": "role1", "end2cascading": false, "end2key": "key2", "end2kind": "kind2", "end2role": "role2", }) ``` #### `db.removeEdge(partition, edgeKey, edgeKind, [transaction])` Removes an edge in EliasDB. Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition of the edge edgeKey | Key attribute of the edge to remove edgeKind | Kind attribute of the edge to remove transaction | Optional a transaction to group a set of changes Example: ``` db.removeEdge("main", "123", "myedges") ``` #### `db.fetchEdge(partition, edgeKey, edgeKind)` Fetches an edge in EliasDB. Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition of the edge edgeKey | Key attribute of the edge to fetch edgeKind | Kind attribute of the edge to fetch Example: ``` db.fetchEdge("main", "123", "myedges") ``` #### `db.traverse(partition, nodeKey, nodeKind, traversalSpec)` Traverses an edge in EliasDB from a given node. Returns a list of nodes which were reached and a list of edges which were followed. Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition of the node nodeKey | Key attribute of the node to traverse from nodeKind | Kind attribute of the node to traverse from traversalSpec | Traversal spec Example: ``` [nodes, edges] := db.traverse("main", "foo", "bar", "role1:myedges:role2:kind2") ``` #### `db.newTrans()` Creates a new transaction for EliasDB. Example: ``` trans := db.newTrans() ``` #### `db.newRollingTrans(n)` Creates a new rolling transaction for EliasDB. A rolling transaction commits after n entries. Parameter | Description -|- n | Rolling threshold (number of operations before rolling) Example: ``` trans := db.newRollingTrans(5) ``` #### `db.commit(transaction)` Commits an existing transaction for EliasDB. Parameter | Description -|- transaction | Transaction to execute Example: ``` db.commit(trans) ``` #### `db.query(partition, query)` Run an EQL query. Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition to query query | Query to execute Example: ``` db.commit("main", "get bar") ``` #### `db.graphQL(partition, query, [variables], [operationName])` Run a GraphQL query. Parameter | Description -|- partition | Partition to query query | Query to execute variables | Map of variables for the query operationName | Operation to execute (useful if the query defines more than a single operation) Example: ``` db.graphQL("main", "query myquery($x: string) { bar(key:$x) { data }}", { "x": "foo", }, "myquery") ``` #### `db.raiseGraphEventHandled()` When handling a graph event, notify the GraphManager of EliasDB that no further action is necessary. This creates a special error object and should not be used inside a `try` block. When using a `try` block this can be used inside an `except` or `otherwise` block. Example: ``` sink mysink kindmatch [ "db.*.*" ], { db.raiseGraphEventHandled() } ``` #### `db.raiseWebEventHandled()` When handling a web event, notify the web API of EliasDB that the web request was handled. This creates a special error object and should not be used inside a `try` block. When using a `try` block this can be used inside an `except` or `otherwise` block. Example: ``` sink mysink kindmatch [ "web.*.*" ], { db.raiseWebEventHandled({ "status" : 200, "headers" : { "Date": "today" }, "body" : { "mydata" : [1,2,3] } }) } ```