package eql import ( "fmt" "sort" "strings" "" "" ) /* RefineQueryByResultRows tries to construct a query which will only show certain rows of a given query result. Might fail if no primary node per row can be identified or if the "primary" keyword is used. */ func RefineQueryByResultRows(res SearchResult, rows []int) (string, error) { var col = -1 var ret = "" // Search for column which gives the root node key and kind err := fmt.Errorf("Could not determine root nodes") rowCount := res.RowCount() if rowCount > 0 { for i, d := range res.Header().Data() { if ds := strings.Split(d, ":"); ds[0] == "1" && ds[1] == "n" { col = i err = nil } } } if err == nil { var ast *parser.ASTNode // Get the AST if ast, err = ParseQuery("Refine query", res.Query()); err == nil { var qtail []*parser.ASTNode // Get the children of the AST which do not produce the root nodes for i, c := range ast.Children { if c.Name != parser.NodeVALUE { qtail = ast.Children[i:] break } } // Now collect the keys which should be the new root nodes keys := make([]string, 0, len(rows)) kind := "" for _, r := range rows { if r < rowCount { src := strings.Split(res.RowSource(r)[col], ":") keys = append(keys, src[2]) if kind == "" { kind = src[1] } } } sort.Strings(keys) err = fmt.Errorf("Could not find requested row%v", stringutil.Plural(len(rows))) if len(keys) > 0 { // Assemble the query ast, _ = ParseQuery("", fmt.Sprintf("lookup %v '%v'", kind, strings.Join(keys, "', '"))) ast.Children = append(ast.Children, qtail...) ret, err = parser.PrettyPrint(ast) } } } return ret, err }