EliasDB ======= EliasDB is a graph-based database which aims to provide a lightweight solution for projects which want to store their data as a graph. EliasDB does not require any third-party libraries.

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Features -------- - Build on top of a fast key-value store which supports transactions and memory-only storage. - Data is stored in nodes (key-value objects) which are connected via edges. - Stored graphs can be separated via partitions. - Stored graphs support cascading deletions - delete one node and all its "children". - All stored data is indexed and can be quickly searched via a full text phrase search. - For more complex queries EliasDB has an own query language called EQL with an sql-like syntax. - Written in Go from scratch. No third party libraries were used apart from Go's standard library. - The database can be embedded or used as a standalone application. - When used as a standalone application it comes with an internal HTTPS webserver which provides a REST API and a basic file server. - When used as an embedded database it supports transactions with rollbacks, iteration of data and rule based consistency management. Getting Started (standalone application) ---------------------------------------- You can download a precompiled package for Windows (win64) or Linux (amd64) [here](https://devt.de/build_status.html). Extract it and execute the executable. The executable should automatically create 3 subfolders and a configuration file. It should start an HTTPS server on port 9090. To see a terminal point your webbrowser to: ``` https://localhost:9090/db/term.html ``` After accepting the self-signed certificate from the server you should see a web terminal. EliasDB can be stopped with a simple CTRL+C or by overwriting the content in eliasdb.lck with a single character. ### Tutorial: To get an idea of what EliasDB is about have a look at the [tutorial](/examples/tutorial/doc/tutorial.md). ### REST API: The terminal uses a REST API to communicate with the backend. The REST API can be browsed using a dynamically generated swagger.json definition (https://localhost:9090/db/swagger.json). You can browse the API of EliasDB's latest version [here](http://petstore.swagger.io/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krotik/eliasdb/master/doc/swagger.json#/default). ### Command line options The main EliasDB executable has two main tools: ``` Usage of ./eliasdb EliasDB graph based database Available commands: console EliasDB server console server Start EliasDB server ``` The most important one is server which starts the database server. The server has several options: ``` Usage of ./eliasdb server [options] -export string Export the current database to a zip file -help Show this help message -import string Import a database from a zip file -no-serv Do not start the server after initialization ``` Once the server is started the console tool can be used to interact with the server. The options of the console tool are: ``` Usage of ./eliasdb console [options] -exec string Execute a single line and exit -file string Read commands from a file and exit -help Show this help message -host string Host of the EliasDB server (default "localhost") -port string Port of the EliasDB server (default "9090") ``` On the console type 'q' to exit and 'help' to get an overview of available commands: ``` Command Description export Exports the last output. find Do a full-text search of the database. help Display descriptions for all available commands. info Returns general database information. part Displays or sets the current partition. ver Displays server version information. ``` It is also possible to directly run EQL queries on the console. Use the arrow keys to cycle through the command history. ### Configuration EliasDB uses a single configuration file called eliasdb.config.json. After starting EliasDB for the first time it should create a default configuration file. Available configurations are: | Configuration Option | Description | | --- | --- | | ClusterConfigFile | Cluster configuration file. | | ClusterLogHistory | File which is used to store the console history. | | ClusterStateInfoFile | File which is used to store the cluster state. | | CookieMaxAgeSeconds | Lifetime for cookies used by EliasDB. | | EnableAccessControl | Flag if access control for EliasDB should be enabled. This provides user authentication and authorization features. | | EnableCluster | Flag if EliasDB clustering support should be enabled. EXPERIMENTAL! | | EnableClusterTerminal | Flag if the cluster terminal file /web/db/cluster.html should be created. | | EnableReadOnly | Flag if the datastore should be open read-only. | | EnableWebFolder | Flag if the files in the webfolder /web should be served up by the webserver. If false only the REST API is accessible. | | EnableWebTerminal | Flag if the web terminal file /web/db/term.html should be created. | | HTTPSCertificate | Name of the webserver certificate which should be used. A new one is created if it does not exist. | | HTTPSHost | Hostname the webserver should listen to. This host is also used in the dynamically generated swagger definition. | | HTTPSKey | Name of the webserver private key which should be used. A new one is created if it does not exist. | | HTTPSPort | Port on which the webserver should listen on. | | LocationAccessDB | File which is used to store access control information. This file can be edited while the server is running and changes will be picked up immediately. | | LocationDatastore | Directory for datastore files. | | LocationHTTPS | Directory for the webserver's SSL related files. | | LocationUserDB | File which is used to store (hashed) user passwords. | | LocationWebFolder | Directory of the webserver's webfolder. | | LockFile | Lockfile for the webserver which will be watched duing runtime. Replacing the content of this file with a single character will shutdown the webserver gracefully. | | MemoryOnlyStorage | Flag if the datastore should only be kept in memory. | | ResultCacheMaxAgeSeconds | EQL queries create result sets which are cached. The value describes the amount of time in seconds a result is kept in the cache. | | ResultCacheMaxSize | EQL queries create result sets which are cached. The value describes the number of results which can be kept in the cache. | Note: It is not (and will never be) possible to access the REST API via HTTP. Building EliasDB ---------------- To build EliasDB from source you need to have Go installed. There a are two options: ### Checkout from github (use this method if you want code + documentation and tutorials): Create a directory, change into it and run: ``` git clone https://github.com/krotik/eliasdb/ . ``` Assuming your GOPATH is set to the new directory you should be able to build the binary with: ``` go install devt.de/eliasdb/cli ``` ### Using go get (use this method if you want to embed EliasDB in your project): Create a directory, change into it and run: ``` go get devt.de/common/... devt.de/eliasdb/... ``` Assuming your GOPATH is set to the new directory you should be able to build the binary with: ``` go build devt.de/eliasdb/cli ``` Further Reading --------------- - A design document which describes the different components of the graph database. [Link](/doc/elias_db_design.md) - A reference for the EliasDB query language EQL. [Link](/doc/eql.md) - A quick overview of what you can do when you embed EliasDB in your own Go project. [Link](/doc/embedding.md) License ------- EliasDB source code is available under the [Mozilla Public License](/LICENSE).