/* * EliasDB * * Copyright 2016 Matthias Ladkau. All rights reserved. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package v1 import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "testing" "devt.de/krotik/common/datautil" "devt.de/krotik/eliasdb/api" "devt.de/krotik/eliasdb/graph" "devt.de/krotik/eliasdb/graph/data" "devt.de/krotik/eliasdb/hash" "devt.de/krotik/eliasdb/storage" ) func TestNestedStorage(t *testing.T) { queryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointGraph // Store a nested node st, _, res := sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main/n", "POST", []byte(` [{ "key":"nestedtest", "kind":"Test", "int":42, "float":3.1415926, "str":"foo bar", "nested":{ "nested_int":12, "nested_float":1.234, "nested_str":"time flies like an arrow", "more nesting": { "atom" : "value42" } } }] `[1:])) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } n, err := api.GM.FetchNode("main", "nestedtest", "Test") if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } // Check that the node was stored correctly nested := n.Attr("nested") if nt := fmt.Sprintf("%T", nested); nt != "map[string]interface {}" { t.Error("Unexpected type:", nt) return } nf, err := datautil.GetNestedValue(nested.(map[string]interface{}), []string{"nested_float"}) if nft := fmt.Sprintf("%T %v", nf, nf); nft != "float64 1.234" { t.Error("Unexpected type:", nft) return } ns, err := datautil.GetNestedValue(nested.(map[string]interface{}), []string{"more nesting", "atom"}) if nst := fmt.Sprintf("%T %v", ns, ns); nst != "string value42" { t.Error("Unexpected type:", nst) return } // Now try to retrieve the value st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Test/nestedtest", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "float": 3.1415926, "int": 42, "key": "nestedtest", "kind": "Test", "nested": { "more nesting": { "atom": "value42" }, "nested_float": 1.234, "nested_int": 12, "nested_str": "time flies like an arrow" }, "str": "foo bar" }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } } func TestGraphQuery(t *testing.T) { queryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointGraph // Test error message _, _, res := sendTestRequest(queryURL, "GET", nil) if res != "Need a partition, entity type (n or e) and a kind; optional key and traversal spec" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } _, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/t/Song", "GET", nil) if res != "Entity type must be n (nodes) or e (edges)" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } _, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/e/Song", "GET", nil) if res != "Entity type must be n (nodes) when requesting all items" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } _, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/SSong", "GET", nil) if res != "Unknown partition or node kind" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } _, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/xmain/n/Song", "GET", nil) if res != "Unknown partition or node kind" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } st, h, res := sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Song", "GET", nil) if tc := h.Get(HTTPHeaderTotalCount); tc != "9" { t.Error("Unexpected total count header:", tc) return } if st != "200 OK" || res != ` [ { "key": "StrangeSong1", "kind": "Song", "name": "StrangeSong1", "ranking": 5 }, { "key": "FightSong4", "kind": "Song", "name": "FightSong4", "ranking": 3 }, { "key": "DeadSong2", "kind": "Song", "name": "DeadSong2", "ranking": 6 }, { "key": "LoveSong3", "kind": "Song", "name": "LoveSong3", "ranking": 1 }, { "key": "MyOnlySong3", "kind": "Song", "name": "MyOnlySong3", "ranking": 19 }, { "key": "Aria1", "kind": "Song", "name": "Aria1", "ranking": 8 }, { "key": "Aria2", "kind": "Song", "name": "Aria2", "ranking": 2 }, { "key": "Aria3", "kind": "Song", "name": "Aria3", "ranking": 4 }, { "key": "Aria4", "kind": "Song", "name": "Aria4", "ranking": 18 } ]`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Test offset and limit st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Song?offset=3&limit=2", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` [ { "key": "LoveSong3", "kind": "Song", "name": "LoveSong3", "ranking": 1 }, { "key": "MyOnlySong3", "kind": "Song", "name": "MyOnlySong3", "ranking": 19 } ]`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Song?offset=7&limit=200", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` [ { "key": "Aria3", "kind": "Song", "name": "Aria3", "ranking": 4 }, { "key": "Aria4", "kind": "Song", "name": "Aria4", "ranking": 18 } ]`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Song?offset=p&limit=2", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Invalid parameter value: offset should be a positive integer number" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Song?offset=2&limit=p", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Invalid parameter value: limit should be a positive integer number" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Song?offset=700&limit=2", "GET", nil) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "Offset exceeds available nodes" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Test error cases msm := gmMSM.StorageManager("main"+"Song"+graph.StorageSuffixNodes, true).(*storage.MemoryStorageManager) msm.AccessMap[2] = storage.AccessCacheAndFetchError st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Song", "GET", nil) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "GraphError: Failed to access graph storage component (Slot not found (mystorage/mainSong.nodes - Location:2))" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } delete(msm.AccessMap, 2) msm.AccessMap[4] = storage.AccessCacheAndFetchError st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Song", "GET", nil) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "GraphError: Could not read graph information (Slot not found (mystorage/mainSong.nodes - Location:4))" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } delete(msm.AccessMap, 4) msm = gmMSM.StorageManager("main"+"Spam"+graph.StorageSuffixNodes, true).(*storage.MemoryStorageManager) loc := msm.Root(graph.RootIDNodeHTree) htree, _ := hash.LoadHTree(msm, loc) _, kloc, _ := htree.GetValueAndLocation([]byte(graph.PrefixNSAttrs + "00019")) msm.AccessMap[kloc] = storage.AccessCacheAndFetchSeriousError st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Spam?offset=19&limit=1", "GET", nil) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "GraphError: Could not read graph information (Record is already in-use (? - ))" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Spam", "GET", nil) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "GraphError: Could not read graph information (Record is already in-use (? - ))" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } delete(msm.AccessMap, kloc) } func TestGraphQuerySingleItem(t *testing.T) { queryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointGraph st, _, res := sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Author/123", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "key": "123", "kind": "Author", "name": "Mike" }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/e/Wrote/LoveSong3", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` { "end1cascading": true, "end1key": "123", "end1kind": "Author", "end1role": "Author", "end2cascading": false, "end2key": "LoveSong3", "end2kind": "Song", "end2role": "Song", "key": "LoveSong3", "kind": "Wrote", "number": 3 }`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Test error cases st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Spam/x0005", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Unknown partition or node kind" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/e/xSpam/0005", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Unknown partition or edge kind" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } msm := gmMSM.StorageManager("main"+"Spam"+graph.StorageSuffixNodes, true).(*storage.MemoryStorageManager) msm.AccessMap[2] = storage.AccessCacheAndFetchError st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Spam/0005", "GET", nil) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "GraphError: Failed to access graph storage component (Slot not found (mystorage/mainSpam.nodes - Location:2))" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } delete(msm.AccessMap, 2) msm = gmMSM.StorageManager("main"+"Wrote"+graph.StorageSuffixEdges, true).(*storage.MemoryStorageManager) msm.AccessMap[1] = storage.AccessCacheAndFetchError st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/e/Wrote/LoveSong3", "GET", nil) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "GraphError: Failed to access graph storage component (Slot not found (mystorage/mainWrote.edges - Location:1))" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } delete(msm.AccessMap, 1) } func TestGraphQueryTraversal(t *testing.T) { queryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointGraph _, _, res := sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Author/123/:::/aaa", "GET", nil) if res != "Invalid resource specification: n/Author/123/:::/aaa" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } _, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/e/Author/123/:::", "GET", nil) if res != "Entity type must be n (nodes) when requesting traversal results" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } st, _, res := sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Author/123/:::", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` [ [ { "key": "DeadSong2", "kind": "Song", "name": "DeadSong2", "ranking": 6 }, { "key": "FightSong4", "kind": "Song", "name": "FightSong4", "ranking": 3 }, { "key": "LoveSong3", "kind": "Song", "name": "LoveSong3", "ranking": 1 }, { "key": "StrangeSong1", "kind": "Song", "name": "StrangeSong1", "ranking": 5 } ], [ { "end1cascading": true, "end1key": "123", "end1kind": "Author", "end1role": "Author", "end2cascading": false, "end2key": "DeadSong2", "end2kind": "Song", "end2role": "Song", "key": "DeadSong2", "kind": "Wrote", "number": 2 }, { "end1cascading": true, "end1key": "123", "end1kind": "Author", "end1role": "Author", "end2cascading": false, "end2key": "FightSong4", "end2kind": "Song", "end2role": "Song", "key": "FightSong4", "kind": "Wrote", "number": 4 }, { "end1cascading": true, "end1key": "123", "end1kind": "Author", "end1role": "Author", "end2cascading": false, "end2key": "LoveSong3", "end2kind": "Song", "end2role": "Song", "key": "LoveSong3", "kind": "Wrote", "number": 3 }, { "end1cascading": true, "end1key": "123", "end1kind": "Author", "end1role": "Author", "end2cascading": false, "end2key": "StrangeSong1", "end2kind": "Song", "end2role": "Song", "key": "StrangeSong1", "kind": "Wrote", "number": 1 } ] ]`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Spam/0005/:::", "GET", nil) if st != "200 OK" || res != ` [ [], [] ]`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Test error cases st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Spam/x0005/:::", "GET", nil) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Unknown partition or node kind" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } msm := gmMSM.StorageManager("main"+"Song"+graph.StorageSuffixNodes, true).(*storage.MemoryStorageManager) msm.AccessMap[2] = storage.AccessCacheAndFetchError st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Author/123/:::", "GET", nil) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "GraphError: Failed to access graph storage component (Slot not found (mystorage/mainSong.nodes - Location:2))" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } delete(msm.AccessMap, 2) msm = gmMSM.StorageManager("main"+"Spam"+graph.StorageSuffixNodes, true).(*storage.MemoryStorageManager) msm.AccessMap[2] = storage.AccessCacheAndFetchError st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"/main/n/Spam/0005/:::", "GET", nil) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "GraphError: Failed to access graph storage component (Slot not found (mystorage/mainSpam.nodes - Location:2))" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } delete(msm.AccessMap, 2) } func TestGraphOperation(t *testing.T) { queryURL := "http://localhost" + TESTPORT + EndpointGraph // Test error message _, _, res := sendTestRequest(queryURL, "POST", nil) if res != "Need a partition; optional entity type (n or e)" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", res) return } // Test node creation node := data.NewGraphNode() node.SetAttr("key", "111") node.SetAttr("name", "node1") node2 := data.NewGraphNode() node2.SetAttr("key", "112") node2.SetAttr("name", "node2") jsonString, err := json.Marshal([]map[string]interface{}{node.Data(), node2.Data()}) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } st, _, res := sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main/n", "POST", []byte(jsonString[5:])) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Could not decode request body as list of nodes: invalid character 'y' looking for beginning of value" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main/n", "POST", []byte(jsonString)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "GraphError: Invalid data (Node is missing a kind value)" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } node.SetAttr("kind", "graphtest") node2.SetAttr("kind", "graphtest") jsonString, err = json.Marshal([]map[string]interface{}{node.Data(), node2.Data()}) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main/n", "POST", []byte(jsonString)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check that the node was stored n, err := api.GM.FetchNode("main", "111", "graphtest") if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if !data.NodeCompare(n, node, nil) { t.Error("Stored node does not match given node") return } n, err = api.GM.FetchNode("main", "112", "graphtest") if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if !data.NodeCompare(n, node2, nil) { t.Error("Stored node does not match given node") return } // Try to store a relationship edge := data.NewGraphEdge() edge.SetAttr("key", "123") edge.SetAttr("kind", "testrel") edge.SetAttr(data.EdgeEnd1Kind, node.Kind()) edge.SetAttr(data.EdgeEnd1Role, "node1") edge.SetAttr(data.EdgeEnd1Cascading, false) edge.SetAttr(data.EdgeEnd2Key, node2.Key()) edge.SetAttr(data.EdgeEnd2Kind, node2.Kind()) edge.SetAttr(data.EdgeEnd2Role, "node2") edge.SetAttr(data.EdgeEnd2Cascading, false) jsonString, err = json.Marshal([]map[string]interface{}{edge.Data()}) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main/e", "POST", []byte(jsonString)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "GraphError: Invalid data (Edge is missing a key value for end1)" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } edge.SetAttr(data.EdgeEnd1Key, "foo") jsonString, err = json.Marshal([]map[string]interface{}{edge.Data()}) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main/e", "POST", []byte(jsonString)) if st != "500 Internal Server Error" || res != "GraphError: Invalid data (Can't find edge endpoint: foo (graphtest))" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } edge.SetAttr(data.EdgeEnd1Key, node.Key()) jsonString, err = json.Marshal([]map[string]interface{}{edge.Data()}) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main/e", "POST", []byte(jsonString[5:])) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Could not decode request body as list of edges: invalid character 'd' looking for beginning of value" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main/e", "POST", []byte(jsonString)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check that the edge was stored tn, te, err := api.GM.TraverseMulti("main", node.Key(), node.Kind(), ":::", true) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if !data.NodeCompare(tn[0], node2, nil) { t.Error("Stored node does not match given node") return } if !data.NodeCompare(te[0], edge, nil) { t.Error("Stored edge does not match given node") return } // Update nodes st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main", "PUT", []byte(jsonString)) if st != "400 Bad Request" || res != "Could not decode request body as object with list of nodes and/or edges: json: cannot unmarshal array into Go value of type map[string][]map[string]interface {}" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } node.SetAttr("name", "updatenode1") node2.SetAttr("name", "updatenode2") edge.SetAttr("name", "updateedge") jsonString, err = json.Marshal(map[string][]map[string]interface{}{ "nodes": []map[string]interface{}{node.Data(), node2.Data()}, "edges": []map[string]interface{}{edge.Data()}, }) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main", "PUT", []byte(jsonString)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check that the nodes and the edge were updated tn, te, err = api.GM.TraverseMulti("main", node.Key(), node.Kind(), ":::", true) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if !data.NodeCompare(tn[0], node2, nil) { t.Error("Stored node does not match given node") return } if !data.NodeCompare(te[0], edge, nil) { t.Error("Stored edge does not match given node") return } // Delete edge jsonString, err = json.Marshal(map[string][]map[string]interface{}{ "nodes": []map[string]interface{}{}, "edges": []map[string]interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "key": edge.Key(), "kind": edge.Kind(), }, }, }) st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main", "DELETE", []byte(jsonString)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check that the edge no longer exists tn, _, err = api.GM.TraverseMulti("main", node.Key(), node.Kind(), ":::", true) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if len(tn) != 0 { t.Error("Unexpected traversal result: ", tn) return } // Delete node jsonString, err = json.Marshal(map[string][]map[string]interface{}{ "edges": []map[string]interface{}{}, "nodes": []map[string]interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "key": node.Key(), "kind": node.Kind(), }, }, }) st, _, res = sendTestRequest(queryURL+"main", "DELETE", []byte(jsonString)) if st != "200 OK" { t.Error("Unexpected response:", st, res) return } // Check that the node was deleted nres, err := api.GM.FetchNode("main", node.Key(), node.Kind()) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } if nres != nil { t.Error("Unexpected node query result:", nres) return } }