/** * Debug Adapter for VS Code to support the ECAL debugger. * * Based on the debugger extension guide: * https://code.visualstudio.com/api/extension-guides/debugger-extension */ import { logger, Logger, LoggingDebugSession, Thread, Source, Breakpoint, InitializedEvent, BreakpointEvent, StoppedEvent, StackFrame, Scope, Variable, } from "vscode-debugadapter"; import { DebugProtocol } from "vscode-debugprotocol"; import { WaitGroup } from "@jpwilliams/waitgroup"; import { ECALDebugClient } from "./ecalDebugClient"; import * as vscode from "vscode"; import { ClientBreakEvent, ContType, DebugStatus } from "./types"; import * as path from "path"; /** * ECALDebugArguments are the arguments which VSCode can pass to the debug adapter. * This defines the parameter which a VSCode instance using the ECAL extention can pass to the * debug adapter from a lauch configuration ('.vscode/launch.json') in a project folder. */ interface ECALDebugArguments extends DebugProtocol.LaunchRequestArguments { host: string; // Host of the ECAL debug server port: number; // Port of the ECAL debug server dir: string; // Root directory for ECAL interpreter executeOnEntry?: boolean; // Flag if the debugged script should be executed when the debug session is started trace?: boolean; // Flag to enable verbose logging of the adapter protocol } /** * Debug adapter implementation. * * Uses: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-debugadapter-node * * See the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) documentation: * https://microsoft.github.io/debug-adapter-protocol/overview#How_it_works */ export class ECALDebugSession extends LoggingDebugSession { /** * Client to the ECAL debug server */ private client: ECALDebugClient; /** * Output channel for log messages */ private extout: vscode.OutputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel( "ECAL Debug Session" ); /** * WaitGroup to wait the finish of the configuration sequence */ private wgConfig = new WaitGroup(); private config: ECALDebugArguments = {} as ECALDebugArguments; private unconfirmedBreakpoints: DebugProtocol.Breakpoint[] = []; private bpCount: number = 1; private sfCount: number = 1; private vsCount: number = 1; private bpIds: Record = {}; private sfIds: Record = {}; private vsIds: Record = {}; /** * Create a new debug adapter which is used for one debug session. */ public constructor() { super("mock-debug.txt"); this.extout.appendLine("Creating Debug Session"); this.client = new ECALDebugClient(new LogChannelAdapter(this.extout)); // Add event handlers this.client.on("pauseOnBreakpoint", (e: ClientBreakEvent) => { console.log("#### send StoppedEvent event:", e.tid, typeof e.tid); this.sendEvent(new StoppedEvent("breakpoint", e.tid)); }); this.client.on("status", (e: DebugStatus) => { try { if (this.unconfirmedBreakpoints.length > 0) { for (const toConfirm of this.unconfirmedBreakpoints) { for (const [breakpointString, ok] of Object.entries( e.breakpoints )) { const line = parseInt(breakpointString.split(":")[1]); if (ok) { if ( toConfirm.line === line && toConfirm.source?.name === breakpointString ) { console.log("Confirmed breakpoint:", breakpointString); toConfirm.verified = true; this.sendEvent(new BreakpointEvent("changed", toConfirm)); } } } } this.unconfirmedBreakpoints = []; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); // Lines and columns start at 1 this.setDebuggerLinesStartAt1(true); this.setDebuggerColumnsStartAt1(true); // Increment the config WaitGroup counter for configurationDoneRequest() this.wgConfig.add(1); } /** * Called as the first step in the DAP. The client (e.g. VSCode) * interrogates the debug adapter on the features which it provides. */ protected initializeRequest( response: DebugProtocol.InitializeResponse, args: DebugProtocol.InitializeRequestArguments ): void { console.log("##### initializeRequest:", args); response.body = response.body || {}; // The adapter implements the configurationDoneRequest. response.body.supportsConfigurationDoneRequest = true; // make VS Code send the breakpointLocations request response.body.supportsBreakpointLocationsRequest = true; // make VS Code provide "Step in Target" functionality response.body.supportsStepInTargetsRequest = true; this.sendResponse(response); this.sendEvent(new InitializedEvent()); } /** * Called as part of the "configuration Done" step in the DAP. The client (e.g. VSCode) has * finished the initialization of the debug adapter. */ protected configurationDoneRequest( response: DebugProtocol.ConfigurationDoneResponse, args: DebugProtocol.ConfigurationDoneArguments ): void { console.log("##### configurationDoneRequest"); super.configurationDoneRequest(response, args); this.wgConfig.done(); } /** * The client (e.g. VSCode) asks the debug adapter to start the debuggee communication. */ protected async launchRequest( response: DebugProtocol.LaunchResponse, args: ECALDebugArguments ) { console.log("##### launchRequest:", args); this.config = args; // Store the configuration // Setup logging either verbose or just on errors logger.setup( args.trace ? Logger.LogLevel.Verbose : Logger.LogLevel.Error, false ); await this.wgConfig.wait(); // Wait for configuration sequence to finish this.extout.appendLine(`Configuration loaded: ${JSON.stringify(args)}`); await this.client.connect(args.host, args.port); if (args.executeOnEntry) { this.client.reload(); } console.log("##### launchRequest result:", response.body); this.sendResponse(response); } protected async setBreakPointsRequest( response: DebugProtocol.SetBreakpointsResponse, args: DebugProtocol.SetBreakpointsArguments ): Promise { console.log("##### setBreakPointsRequest:", args); let breakpoints: DebugProtocol.Breakpoint[] = []; if (args.source.path?.indexOf(this.config.dir) === 0) { const sourcePath = args.source.path.slice(this.config.dir.length + 1); // Clear all breakpoints of the file await this.client.clearBreakpoints(sourcePath); // Send all breakpoint requests to the debug server for (const sbp of args.breakpoints || []) { await this.client.setBreakpoint(`${sourcePath}:${sbp.line}`); } // Confirm that the breakpoints have been set const status = await this.client.status(); if (status) { breakpoints = (args.lines || []).map((line) => { const breakpointString = `${sourcePath}:${line}`; const bp: DebugProtocol.Breakpoint = new Breakpoint( status.breakpoints[breakpointString], line, undefined, new Source(breakpointString, args.source.path) ); bp.id = this.getBreakPointId(breakpointString); return bp; }); } else { breakpoints = (args.breakpoints || []).map((sbp) => { const breakpointString = `${sourcePath}:${sbp.line}`; const bp: DebugProtocol.Breakpoint = new Breakpoint( false, sbp.line, undefined, new Source(breakpointString, args.source.path) ); bp.id = this.getBreakPointId(breakpointString); return bp; }); this.unconfirmedBreakpoints = breakpoints; } } response.body = { breakpoints, }; console.error("##### setBreakPointsRequest result:", response.body); this.sendResponse(response); } protected async breakpointLocationsRequest( response: DebugProtocol.BreakpointLocationsResponse, args: DebugProtocol.BreakpointLocationsArguments ) { let breakpoints: DebugProtocol.BreakpointLocation[] = []; if (args.source.path?.indexOf(this.config.dir) === 0) { const sourcePath = args.source.path.slice(this.config.dir.length + 1); const status = await this.client.status(); if (status) { for (const [breakpointString, v] of Object.entries( status.breakpoints )) { if (v) { const line = parseInt(breakpointString.split(":")[1]); if (`${sourcePath}:${line}` === breakpointString) { breakpoints.push({ line, }); } } } } } response.body = { breakpoints, }; this.sendResponse(response); } protected async threadsRequest( response: DebugProtocol.ThreadsResponse ): Promise { console.log("##### threadsRequest"); const status = await this.client.status(); const threads = []; if (status) { for (const tid of Object.keys(status.threads)) { threads.push(new Thread(parseInt(tid), `Thread ${tid}`)); } } else { threads.push(new Thread(1, "Thread 1")); } response.body = { threads, }; console.log("##### threadsRequest result:", response.body); this.sendResponse(response); } private frameVariableScopes: Record> = {}; private frameVariableGlobalScopes: Record> = {}; protected async stackTraceRequest( response: DebugProtocol.StackTraceResponse, args: DebugProtocol.StackTraceArguments ) { const stackFrames: StackFrame[] = []; console.log("##### stackTraceRequest:", args); const status = await this.client.status(); const threadStatus = status?.threads[String(args.threadId)]; if (threadStatus?.threadRunning === false) { const ins = await this.client.describe(args.threadId); if (ins) { for (const [i, sf] of ins.callStack.entries()) { const sfNode = ins.callStackNode![i]; const frameId = this.getStackFrameId(args.threadId, sf, i); const breakpointString = `${sfNode.source}:${sfNode.line}`; stackFrames.unshift( new StackFrame( frameId, sf, new Source( breakpointString, path.join(this.config.dir, sfNode.source) ), sfNode.line ) ); this.frameVariableScopes[frameId] = ins.callStackVsSnapshot![i]; this.frameVariableGlobalScopes[ frameId ] = ins.callStackVsSnapshotGlobal![i]; } const frameId = this.getStackFrameId( args.threadId, ins.code!, ins.callStack.length ); const breakpointString = `${ins.node!.source}:${ins.node!.line}`; stackFrames.unshift( new StackFrame( frameId, ins.code!, new Source( breakpointString, path.join(this.config.dir, ins.node!.source) ), ins.node!.line ) ); this.frameVariableScopes[frameId] = ins.vs!; this.frameVariableGlobalScopes[frameId] = ins.vsGlobal!; } } response.body = { stackFrames, }; this.sendResponse(response); } protected scopesRequest( response: DebugProtocol.ScopesResponse, args: DebugProtocol.ScopesArguments ): void { console.error("##### scopesRequest:", args); response.body = { scopes: [ new Scope("Local", this.getVariableScopeId(args.frameId, "local")), new Scope("Global", this.getVariableScopeId(args.frameId, "global")), ], }; this.sendResponse(response); } protected async variablesRequest( response: DebugProtocol.VariablesResponse, args: DebugProtocol.VariablesArguments ) { console.error("##### variablesRequest", args); let vs: Record = {}; let variables: Variable[] = []; const [frameId, scopeType] = this.getScopeLookupInfo( args.variablesReference ); if (scopeType === "local") { vs = this.frameVariableScopes[frameId]; } else if (scopeType === "global") { vs = this.frameVariableGlobalScopes[frameId]; } if (vs) { for (const [name, val] of Object.entries(vs)) { let valString: string; try { valString = JSON.stringify(val); } catch (e) { valString = String(val); } variables.push(new Variable(name, valString)); } } console.log("##### variablesRequest response", variables); response.body = { variables, }; this.sendResponse(response); } protected async continueRequest( response: DebugProtocol.ContinueResponse, args: DebugProtocol.ContinueArguments ) { await this.client.cont(args.threadId, ContType.Resume); response.body = { allThreadsContinued: false, }; this.sendResponse(response); } protected async nextRequest( response: DebugProtocol.NextResponse, args: DebugProtocol.NextArguments ) { await this.client.cont(args.threadId, ContType.StepOver); this.sendResponse(response); } protected async stepInRequest( response: DebugProtocol.StepInResponse, args: DebugProtocol.StepInArguments ) { await this.client.cont(args.threadId, ContType.StepIn); this.sendResponse(response); } protected async stepOutRequest( response: DebugProtocol.StepOutResponse, args: DebugProtocol.StepOutArguments ) { await this.client.cont(args.threadId, ContType.StepOut); this.sendResponse(response); } protected async evaluateRequest( response: DebugProtocol.EvaluateResponse, args: DebugProtocol.EvaluateArguments ): Promise { let result: any; try { result = await this.client.sendCommandString(`${args.expression}\r\n`); if (typeof result !== "string") { result = JSON.stringify(result, null, " "); } } catch (e) { result = String(e); } response.body = { result, variablesReference: 0, }; this.sendResponse(response); } public shutdown() { this.client ?.shutdown() .then(() => { this.extout.appendLine("Debug Session has finished"); }) .catch((e) => { this.extout.appendLine( `Debug Session has finished with an error: ${e}` ); }); } // Id functions // ============ /** * Map a given breakpoint string to a breakpoint ID. */ private getBreakPointId(breakpointString: string): number { let id = this.bpIds[breakpointString]; if (!id) { id = this.bpCount++; this.bpIds[breakpointString] = id; } return id; } /** * Map a given stackframe to a stackframe ID. */ private getStackFrameId( threadId: string | number, frameString: string, frameIndex: number ): number { const storageString = `${threadId}###${frameString}###${frameIndex}`; let id = this.sfIds[storageString]; if (!id) { id = this.sfCount++; this.sfIds[storageString] = id; } return id; } /** * Map a given variable scope to a variable scope ID. */ private getVariableScopeId(frameId: number, scopeType: string): number { const storageString = `${frameId}###${scopeType}`; let id = this.vsIds[storageString]; if (!id) { id = this.vsCount++; this.vsIds[storageString] = id; } return id; } /** * Map a given variable scope ID to a variable scope. */ private getScopeLookupInfo(vsId: number): [number, string] { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this.vsIds)) { if (v === vsId) { const s = k.split("###"); return [parseInt(s[0]), s[1]]; } } return [-1, ""]; } } class LogChannelAdapter { private out: vscode.OutputChannel; constructor(out: vscode.OutputChannel) { this.out = out; } log(value: string): void { this.out.appendLine(value); } error(value: string): void { this.out.appendLine(`Error: ${value}`); setTimeout(() => { this.out.show(true); }, 500); } }