/* * ECAL * * Copyright 2020 Matthias Ladkau. All rights reserved. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT * License, If a copy of the MIT License was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. */ package scope import ( "bytes" "fmt" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "devt.de/krotik/ecal/parser" ) /* varsScope models a scope for variables in ECAL. */ type varsScope struct { name string // Name of the scope parent parser.Scope // Parent scope children []*varsScope // Children of this scope (only if tracking is enabled) storage map[string]interface{} // Storage for variables lock sync.RWMutex // Lock for this scope } /* NewScope creates a new variable scope. */ func NewScope(name string) parser.Scope { return NewScopeWithParent(name, nil) } /* NewScopeWithParent creates a new variable scope with a parent. This can be used to create scope structures without children links. */ func NewScopeWithParent(name string, parent parser.Scope) parser.Scope { return &varsScope{name, parent, nil, make(map[string]interface{}), sync.RWMutex{}} } /* NewChild creates a new child scope for variables. The new child scope is tracked by the parent scope. This means it should not be used for global scopes with many children. */ func (s *varsScope) NewChild(name string) parser.Scope { for _, c := range s.children { if c.name == name { return c } } child := NewScope(name).(*varsScope) child.parent = s s.children = append(s.children, child) return child } /* Parent returns the parent scope or nil. */ func (s *varsScope) Parent() parser.Scope { return s.parent } /* SetValue sets a new value for a variable. */ func (s *varsScope) SetValue(varName string, varValue interface{}) error { s.lock.Lock() defer s.lock.Unlock() return s.setValue(varName, varValue) } /* setValue sets a new value for a variable. */ func (s *varsScope) setValue(varName string, varValue interface{}) error { var err error // Check for dotted names which access a container structure if cFields := strings.Split(varName, "."); len(cFields) > 1 { // Get the container if container, ok, _ := s.getValue(cFields[0]); ok { if len(cFields) > 2 { var containerAccess func(fields []string) containerAccess = func(fields []string) { // Get inner container if mapContainer, ok := container.(map[interface{}]interface{}); ok { if container, ok = mapContainer[fields[0]]; !ok { err = fmt.Errorf("Container field %v does not exist", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-len(fields)+1], ".")) } } else if listContainer, ok := container.([]interface{}); ok { var index int if index, err = strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprint(fields[0])); err == nil { if index < 0 { // Handle negative numbers index = len(listContainer) + index } if index < len(listContainer) { container = listContainer[index] } else { err = fmt.Errorf("Out of bounds access to list %v with index: %v", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-len(fields)], "."), index) } } else { container = nil err = fmt.Errorf("List %v needs a number index not: %v", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-len(fields)], "."), fields[0]) } } else { container = nil err = fmt.Errorf("Variable %v is not a container", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-len(fields)], ".")) } if err == nil && len(fields) > 2 { containerAccess(fields[1:]) } } containerAccess(cFields[1:]) } if err == nil && container != nil { fieldIndex := cFields[len(cFields)-1] if mapContainer, ok := container.(map[interface{}]interface{}); ok { mapContainer[fieldIndex] = varValue } else if listContainer, ok := container.([]interface{}); ok { var index int if index, err = strconv.Atoi(fieldIndex); err == nil { if index < 0 { // Handle negative numbers index = len(listContainer) + index } if index < len(listContainer) { listContainer[index] = varValue } else { err = fmt.Errorf("Out of bounds access to list %v with index: %v", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-1], "."), index) } } else { err = fmt.Errorf("List %v needs a number index not: %v", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-1], "."), fieldIndex) } } else { err = fmt.Errorf("Variable %v is not a container", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-1], ".")) } } } else { err = fmt.Errorf("Variable %v is not a container", cFields[0]) } return err } // Check if the variable is already defined in a parent scope if vs := s.getScopeForVariable(varName); vs != nil { s = vs } // Set value newly in scope s.storage[varName] = varValue return err } /* getScopeForVariable returns the scope (this or a parent scope) which holds a given variable. */ func (s *varsScope) getScopeForVariable(varName string) *varsScope { _, ok := s.storage[varName] if ok { return s } else if s.parent != nil { return s.parent.(*varsScope).getScopeForVariable(varName) } return nil } /* GetValue gets the current value of a variable. */ func (s *varsScope) GetValue(varName string) (interface{}, bool, error) { s.lock.Lock() defer s.lock.Unlock() return s.getValue(varName) } /* getValue gets the current value of a variable. */ func (s *varsScope) getValue(varName string) (interface{}, bool, error) { // Check for dotted names which access a container structure if cFields := strings.Split(varName, "."); len(cFields) > 1 { var err error var containerAccess func(fields []string, container interface{}) (interface{}, bool, error) // Get the container container, ok, _ := s.getValue(cFields[0]) if !ok { return nil, ok, err } // Now look into the container and get the value containerAccess = func(fields []string, container interface{}) (interface{}, bool, error) { var retContainer interface{} if mapContainer, ok := container.(map[interface{}]interface{}); ok { var ok bool if index, err := strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprint(fields[0])); err == nil { // Numbers are usually converted to float64 retContainer, ok = mapContainer[float64(index)] } if !ok { retContainer = mapContainer[fields[0]] } } else if listContainer, ok := container.([]interface{}); ok { var index int if index, err = strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprint(fields[0])); err == nil { if index < 0 { // Handle negative numbers index = len(listContainer) + index } if index < len(listContainer) { retContainer = listContainer[index] } else { err = fmt.Errorf("Out of bounds access to list %v with index: %v", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-len(fields)], "."), index) } } else { err = fmt.Errorf("List %v needs a number index not: %v", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-len(fields)], "."), fields[0]) } } else { err = fmt.Errorf("Variable %v is not a container", strings.Join(cFields[:len(cFields)-len(fields)], ".")) } if err == nil && len(fields) > 1 { return containerAccess(fields[1:], retContainer) } return retContainer, retContainer != nil, err } return containerAccess(cFields[1:], container) } if vs := s.getScopeForVariable(varName); vs != nil { ret := vs.storage[varName] return ret, true, nil } return nil, false, nil } /* String returns a string representation of this varsScope and all its parents. */ func (s *varsScope) String() string { s.lock.RLock() defer s.lock.RUnlock() return s.scopeStringParents(s.scopeStringChildren()) } /* scopeStringChildren returns a string representation of all children scopes. */ func (s *varsScope) scopeStringChildren() string { var buf bytes.Buffer // Write the known child scopes for i, c := range s.children { buf.WriteString(c.scopeString(c.scopeStringChildren())) if i < len(s.children)-1 { buf.WriteString("\n") } } return buf.String() } /* scopeStringParents returns a string representation of this varsScope with initial children and all its parents. */ func (s *varsScope) scopeStringParents(childrenString string) string { ss := s.scopeString(childrenString) if s.parent != nil { return s.parent.(*varsScope).scopeStringParents(ss) } return fmt.Sprint(ss) } /* scopeString returns a string representation of this varsScope. */ func (s *varsScope) scopeString(childrenString string) string { buf := bytes.Buffer{} varList := []string{} buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v {\n", s.name)) for k := range s.storage { varList = append(varList, k) } sort.Strings(varList) for _, v := range varList { buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s (%T) : %v\n", v, s.storage[v], EvalToString(s.storage[v]))) } if childrenString != "" { // Indent all buf.WriteString(" ") buf.WriteString(strings.Replace(childrenString, "\n", "\n ", -1)) buf.WriteString("\n") } buf.WriteString("}") return buf.String() }