/* * ECAL * * Copyright 2020 Matthias Ladkau. All rights reserved. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT * License, If a copy of the MIT License was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. */ package tool import ( "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "strings" "devt.de/krotik/common/fileutil" "devt.de/krotik/common/stringutil" "devt.de/krotik/common/termutil" "devt.de/krotik/ecal/config" "devt.de/krotik/ecal/interpreter" "devt.de/krotik/ecal/parser" "devt.de/krotik/ecal/scope" "devt.de/krotik/ecal/stdlib" "devt.de/krotik/ecal/util" ) /* CLICustomHandler is a handler for custom operations. */ type CLICustomHandler interface { CLIInputHandler /* LoadInitialFile clears the global scope and reloads the initial file. */ LoadInitialFile(tid uint64) error } /* CLIInterpreter is a commandline interpreter for ECAL. */ type CLIInterpreter struct { GlobalVS parser.Scope // Global variable scope RuntimeProvider *interpreter.ECALRuntimeProvider // Runtime provider of the interpreter // Customizations of output and input handling CustomHandler CLICustomHandler CustomWelcomeMessage string CustomHelpString string EntryFile string // Entry file for the program // Parameter these can either be set programmatically or via CLI args Dir *string // Root dir for interpreter LogFile *string // Logfile (blank for stdout) LogLevel *string // Log level string (Debug, Info, Error) // User terminal Term termutil.ConsoleLineTerminal // Log output LogOut io.Writer } /* NewCLIInterpreter creates a new commandline interpreter for ECAL. */ func NewCLIInterpreter() *CLIInterpreter { return &CLIInterpreter{scope.NewScope(scope.GlobalScope), nil, nil, "", "", "", nil, nil, nil, nil, os.Stdout} } /* ParseArgs parses the command line arguments. Call this after adding custon flags. Returns true if the program should exit. */ func (i *CLIInterpreter) ParseArgs() bool { if i.Dir != nil && i.LogFile != nil && i.LogLevel != nil { return false } wd, _ := os.Getwd() i.Dir = flag.String("dir", wd, "Root directory for ECAL interpreter") i.LogFile = flag.String("logfile", "", "Log to a file") i.LogLevel = flag.String("loglevel", "Info", "Logging level (Debug, Info, Error)") showHelp := flag.Bool("help", false, "Show this help message") flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintln(flag.CommandLine.Output()) fmt.Fprintln(flag.CommandLine.Output(), fmt.Sprintf("Usage of %s run [options] [file]", osArgs[0])) fmt.Fprintln(flag.CommandLine.Output()) flag.PrintDefaults() fmt.Fprintln(flag.CommandLine.Output()) } if len(osArgs) >= 2 { flag.CommandLine.Parse(osArgs[2:]) if cargs := flag.Args(); len(cargs) > 0 { i.EntryFile = flag.Arg(0) } if *showHelp { flag.Usage() } } return *showHelp } /* CreateRuntimeProvider creates the runtime provider of this interpreter. This function expects Dir, LogFile and LogLevel to be set. */ func (i *CLIInterpreter) CreateRuntimeProvider(name string) error { var logger util.Logger var err error if i.RuntimeProvider != nil { return nil } // Check if we should log to a file if i.LogFile != nil && *i.LogFile != "" { var logWriter io.Writer logFileRollover := fileutil.SizeBasedRolloverCondition(1000000) // Each file can be up to a megabyte logWriter, err = fileutil.NewMultiFileBuffer(*i.LogFile, fileutil.ConsecutiveNumberIterator(10), logFileRollover) logger = util.NewBufferLogger(logWriter) } else { // Log to the console by default logger = util.NewStdOutLogger() } // Set the log level if err == nil { if i.LogLevel != nil && *i.LogLevel != "" { logger, err = util.NewLogLevelLogger(logger, *i.LogLevel) } if err == nil { // Get the import locator importLocator := &util.FileImportLocator{Root: *i.Dir} // Create interpreter i.RuntimeProvider = interpreter.NewECALRuntimeProvider(name, importLocator, logger) } } return err } /* LoadInitialFile clears the global scope and reloads the initial file. */ func (i *CLIInterpreter) LoadInitialFile(tid uint64) error { var err error if i.CustomHandler != nil { i.CustomHandler.LoadInitialFile(tid) } i.GlobalVS.Clear() if i.EntryFile != "" { var ast *parser.ASTNode var initFile []byte initFile, err = ioutil.ReadFile(i.EntryFile) if err == nil { if ast, err = parser.ParseWithRuntime(i.EntryFile, string(initFile), i.RuntimeProvider); err == nil { if err = ast.Runtime.Validate(); err == nil { _, err = ast.Runtime.Eval(i.GlobalVS, make(map[string]interface{}), tid) } defer func() { if i.RuntimeProvider.Debugger != nil { i.RuntimeProvider.Debugger.RecordThreadFinished(tid) } }() } } } return err } /* CreateTerm creates a new console terminal for stdout. */ func (i *CLIInterpreter) CreateTerm() error { var err error if i.Term == nil { i.Term, err = termutil.NewConsoleLineTerminal(os.Stdout) } return err } /* Interpret starts the ECAL code interpreter. Starts an interactive console in the current tty if the interactive flag is set. */ func (i *CLIInterpreter) Interpret(interactive bool) error { if i.ParseArgs() { return nil } err := i.CreateTerm() if interactive { fmt.Fprintln(i.LogOut, fmt.Sprintf("ECAL %v", config.ProductVersion)) } // Create Runtime Provider if err == nil { if err = i.CreateRuntimeProvider("console"); err == nil { tid := i.RuntimeProvider.NewThreadID() if interactive { if lll, ok := i.RuntimeProvider.Logger.(*util.LogLevelLogger); ok { fmt.Fprint(i.LogOut, fmt.Sprintf("Log level: %v - ", lll.Level())) } fmt.Fprintln(i.LogOut, fmt.Sprintf("Root directory: %v", *i.Dir)) if i.CustomWelcomeMessage != "" { fmt.Fprintln(i.LogOut, fmt.Sprintf(i.CustomWelcomeMessage)) } } // Execute file if given if err = i.LoadInitialFile(tid); err == nil { // Drop into interactive shell if interactive { // Add history functionality without file persistence i.Term, err = termutil.AddHistoryMixin(i.Term, "", func(s string) bool { return i.isExitLine(s) }) if err == nil { if err = i.Term.StartTerm(); err == nil { var line string defer i.Term.StopTerm() fmt.Fprintln(i.LogOut, "Type 'q' or 'quit' to exit the shell and '?' to get help") line, err = i.Term.NextLine() for err == nil && !i.isExitLine(line) { trimmedLine := strings.TrimSpace(line) i.HandleInput(i.Term, trimmedLine, tid) line, err = i.Term.NextLine() } } } } } } } return err } /* isExitLine returns if a given input line should exit the interpreter. */ func (i *CLIInterpreter) isExitLine(s string) bool { return s == "exit" || s == "q" || s == "quit" || s == "bye" || s == "\x04" } /* HandleInput handles input to this interpreter. It parses a given input line and outputs on the given output terminal. Requires a thread ID of the executing thread - use the RuntimeProvider to generate a unique one. */ func (i *CLIInterpreter) HandleInput(ot OutputTerminal, line string, tid uint64) { // Process the entered line if line == "?" { // Show help ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("ECAL %v\n", config.ProductVersion)) ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprint("\n")) ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprint("Console supports all normal ECAL statements and the following special commands:\n")) ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprint("\n")) ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprint(" @reload - Clear the interpreter and reload the initial file if it was given.\n")) ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprint(" @sym [glob] - List all available inbuild functions and available stdlib packages of ECAL.\n")) ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprint(" @std [glob] - List all available constants and functions of a stdlib package.\n")) if i.CustomHelpString != "" { ot.WriteString(i.CustomHelpString) } ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprint("\n")) ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprint("Add an argument after a list command to do a full text search. The search string should be in glob format.\n")) } else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "@reload") { // Reload happens in a separate thread as it may be suspended on start go i.LoadInitialFile(i.RuntimeProvider.NewThreadID()) ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprintln(fmt.Sprintln("Reloading interpreter state"))) } else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "@sym") { i.displaySymbols(ot, strings.Split(line, " ")[1:]) } else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "@std") { i.displayPackage(ot, strings.Split(line, " ")[1:]) } else if i.CustomHandler != nil && i.CustomHandler.CanHandle(line) { i.CustomHandler.Handle(ot, line) } else { var ierr error var ast *parser.ASTNode var res interface{} if line != "" { if ast, ierr = parser.ParseWithRuntime("console input", line, i.RuntimeProvider); ierr == nil { if ierr = ast.Runtime.Validate(); ierr == nil { if res, ierr = ast.Runtime.Eval(i.GlobalVS, make(map[string]interface{}), tid); ierr == nil && res != nil { ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprintln(stringutil.ConvertToString(res))) } defer func() { if i.RuntimeProvider.Debugger != nil { i.RuntimeProvider.Debugger.RecordThreadFinished(tid) } }() } } if ierr != nil { ot.WriteString(fmt.Sprintln(ierr.Error())) } } } } /* displaySymbols lists all available inbuild functions and available stdlib packages of ECAL. */ func (i *CLIInterpreter) displaySymbols(ot OutputTerminal, args []string) { tabData := []string{"Inbuild function", "Description"} for name, f := range interpreter.InbuildFuncMap { ds, _ := f.DocString() if len(args) > 0 && !matchesFulltextSearch(ot, fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", name, ds), args[0]) { continue } tabData = fillTableRow(tabData, name, ds) } if len(tabData) > 2 { ot.WriteString(stringutil.PrintGraphicStringTable(tabData, 2, 1, stringutil.SingleDoubleLineTable)) } packageNames, _, _ := stdlib.GetStdlibSymbols() tabData = []string{"Package name", "Description"} for _, p := range packageNames { ps, _ := stdlib.GetPkgDocString(p) if len(args) > 0 && !matchesFulltextSearch(ot, fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", p, ps), args[0]) { continue } tabData = fillTableRow(tabData, p, ps) } if len(tabData) > 2 { ot.WriteString(stringutil.PrintGraphicStringTable(tabData, 2, 1, stringutil.SingleDoubleLineTable)) } } /* displayPackage list all available constants and functions of a stdlib package. */ func (i *CLIInterpreter) displayPackage(ot OutputTerminal, args []string) { _, constSymbols, funcSymbols := stdlib.GetStdlibSymbols() tabData := []string{"Constant", "Value"} for _, s := range constSymbols { if len(args) > 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(s, args[0]) { continue } val, _ := stdlib.GetStdlibConst(s) tabData = fillTableRow(tabData, s, fmt.Sprint(val)) } if len(tabData) > 2 { ot.WriteString(stringutil.PrintGraphicStringTable(tabData, 2, 1, stringutil.SingleDoubleLineTable)) } tabData = []string{"Function", "Description"} for _, f := range funcSymbols { if len(args) > 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(f, args[0]) { continue } fObj, _ := stdlib.GetStdlibFunc(f) fDoc, _ := fObj.DocString() fDoc = strings.Replace(fDoc, "\n", " ", -1) fDoc = strings.Replace(fDoc, "\t", " ", -1) if len(args) > 1 && !matchesFulltextSearch(ot, fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", f, fDoc), args[1]) { continue } tabData = fillTableRow(tabData, f, fDoc) } if len(tabData) > 2 { ot.WriteString(stringutil.PrintGraphicStringTable(tabData, 2, 1, stringutil.SingleDoubleLineTable)) } }