/* * Public Domain Software * * I (Matthias Ladkau) am the author of the source code in this file. * I have placed the source code in this file in the public domain. * * For further information see: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ package datautil import ( "fmt" "testing" ) func TestRingBuffer(t *testing.T) { rb := NewRingBuffer(3) if !rb.IsEmpty() { t.Error("Initial buffer should be empty") return } if rb.Poll() != nil { t.Error("Initial buffer should be empty") return } if rb.Size() != 0 { t.Error("Unexpected size:", rb.Size()) return } rb.Add("AAA") if rb.Size() != 1 { t.Error("Unexpected size:", rb.Size()) return } rb.Add("BBB") rb.Add("CCC") if rb.Size() != 3 { t.Error("Unexpected size:", rb.Size()) return } if rb.String() != ` AAA BBB CCC`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:", rb.String()) return } rb.Log("DDD\nEEE") if rb.Size() != 3 { t.Error("Unexpected size:", rb.Size()) return } if rb.String() != ` CCC DDD EEE`[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:", rb.String()) return } if p := rb.Poll(); p != "CCC" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", p) return } if rb.Size() != 2 { t.Error("Unexpected size:", rb.Size()) return } if p := rb.Get(rb.Size() - 1); p != "EEE" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", p) return } rb = NewRingBuffer(100) rb.Add("AAA") if s := rb.String(); s != "AAA" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", s) return } rb.Add("BBB") if s := rb.String(); s != "AAA\nBBB" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", s) return } if s := rb.Slice(); fmt.Sprint(s) != "[AAA BBB]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", s) return } rb.Reset() if !rb.IsEmpty() { t.Error("Buffer shoudl be empty after a reset") return } }