/* * Public Domain Software * * I (Matthias Ladkau) am the author of the source code in this file. * I have placed the source code in this file in the public domain. * * For further information see: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ package stringutil import ( "bytes" "fmt" "regexp" "sync" "testing" ) func TestLongestCommonPrefix(t *testing.T) { if res := LongestCommonPrefix([]string{}); res != "" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := LongestCommonPrefix([]string{"test"}); res != "test" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := LongestCommonPrefix([]string{"tester", "test"}); res != "test" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := LongestCommonPrefix([]string{"foo", "test"}); res != "" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := LongestCommonPrefix([]string{"foo", "test"}); res != "" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := LongestCommonPrefix([]string{"foo2", "foo1", "footest"}); res != "foo" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } } func TestPrintStringTable(t *testing.T) { if res := PrintStringTable(nil, 0); res != "" { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } test1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "tester", "1", "xxx", "test", "te"} if res := PrintStringTable(test1, 4); res != ` foo bar tester 1 xxx test te `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#"+res+"#") return } if res := PrintStringTable(test1, 3); res != ` foo bar tester 1 xxx test te `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#"+res+"#") return } } func TestRuneSlice(t *testing.T) { sl := StringToRuneSlice("test") if fmt.Sprint(sl) != "[116 101 115 116]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", sl) return } if RuneSliceToString(sl) != "test" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", sl) return } } func TestPluralCompareByteArray(t *testing.T) { if fmt.Sprintf("There are 2 test%s", Plural(2)) != "There are 2 tests" { t.Error("2 items should have an 's'") return } if fmt.Sprintf("There is 1 test%s", Plural(1)) != "There is 1 test" { t.Error("1 item should have no 's'") return } if fmt.Sprintf("There are 0 test%s", Plural(0)) != "There are 0 tests" { t.Error("0 items should have an 's'") return } } func TestGlobToRegex(t *testing.T) { globMatch(t, true, "*", "^$", "foo", "bar") globMatch(t, true, "?", "?", "^", "[", "]", "$") globMatch(t, true, "foo*", "foo", "food", "fool") globMatch(t, true, "f*d", "fud", "food") globMatch(t, true, "*d", "good", "bad") globMatch(t, true, "\\*\\?\\[\\{\\\\", "*?[{\\") globMatch(t, true, "[]^-]", "]", "-", "^") globMatch(t, true, "]", "]") globMatch(t, true, "^.$()|+", "^.$()|+") globMatch(t, true, "[^^]", ".", "$", "[", "]") globMatch(t, false, "[^^]", "^") globMatch(t, true, "[!!-]", "^", "?") globMatch(t, false, "[!!-]", "!", "-") globMatch(t, true, "{[12]*,[45]*,[78]*}", "1", "2!", "4", "42", "7", "7$") globMatch(t, false, "{[12]*,[45]*,[78]*}", "3", "6", "9ß") globMatch(t, true, "}", "}") globMatch(t, true, "abc,", "abc,") globMatch(t, true, "myfile[^9]", "myfile1") globMatch(t, true, "myfile[!9]", "myfile1") globMatch(t, false, "myfile[^9]", "myfile9") globMatch(t, false, "myfile[!9]", "myfile9") globMatch(t, true, "*.*", "tester/bla.txt") globMatch(t, false, "*.tmp", "tester/bla.txt") testdata := []string{"foo*test", "f?t", "*d", "all"} expected := []string{"foo", "f", "", "all"} for i, str := range testdata { res := GlobStartingLiterals(str) if res != expected[i] { t.Error("Unexpected starting literal for glob:", res, "str:", str, "expected:", expected[i]) } } testdata = []string{"[", "{", "\\", "*.*\\", "[["} expected = []string{"Unclosed character class at 1 of [", "Unclosed group at 1 of {", "Missing escaped character at 1 of \\", "Missing escaped character at 4 of *.*\\", "Unclosed character class at 1 of [["} for i, str := range testdata { _, err := GlobToRegex(str) if err.Error() != expected[i] { t.Error("Unexpected error for glob:", err, "str:", str, "expected error:", expected[i]) } } if str, err := GlobToRegex("[][]"); str != "[][]" || err != nil { t.Error("Unecpected glob parsing result:", str, err) } if str, err := GlobToRegex(")"); str != "\\)" || err != nil { t.Error("Unecpected glob parsing result:", str, err) } } func globMatch(t *testing.T, expectedResult bool, glob string, testStrings ...string) { re, err := GlobToRegex(glob) if err != nil { t.Error("Glob parsing error:", err) } for _, testString := range testStrings { res, err := regexp.MatchString(re, testString) if err != nil { t.Error("Regexp", re, "parsing error:", err, "from glob", glob) } if res != expectedResult { t.Error("Unexpected evaluation result. Glob:", glob, "testString:", testString, "expectedResult:", expectedResult) } } } func TestLevenshteinDistance(t *testing.T) { testdata1 := []string{"", "a", "", "abc", "", "a", "abc", "a", "b", "ac", "abcdefg", "a", "ab", "example", "sturgeon", "levenshtein", "distance"} testdata2 := []string{"", "", "a", "", "abc", "a", "abc", "ab", "ab", "abc", "xabxcdxxefxgx", "b", "ac", "samples", "urgently", "frankenstein", "difference"} expected := []int{0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 3, 6, 6, 5} for i, str1 := range testdata1 { res := LevenshteinDistance(str1, testdata2[i]) if res != expected[i] { t.Error("Unexpected Levenshtein distance result:", res, "str1:", str1, "str2:", testdata2[i], "expected:", expected[i]) } } } func TestVersionStringCompare(t *testing.T) { testdata1 := []string{"1", "1.1", "1.1", "2.1", "", "1.674.2.18", "1.674.2", "1.674.2.5", "", "", "1.2.3a1", "2.18.15smp"} testdata2 := []string{"2", "2.0", "1.1", "2.0", "", "1.674.2.5", "1.674.2.5", "1.674.2", "", "", "1.2.3b1", ""} expected := []int{-1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1} for i, str1 := range testdata1 { res := VersionStringCompare(str1, testdata2[i]) if res != expected[i] { t.Error("Unexpected version string compare result:", res, "str1:", str1, "str2:", testdata2[i]) } } } func TestVersionStringPartCompare(t *testing.T) { testdata1 := []string{"", "", "1", "1", "a", "1a", "a", "1a", "1a", "1", "12a", "12a1", "12a1"} testdata2 := []string{"", "1", "", "2", "b", "b", "2b", "2b", "1", "1b", "12b", "12a2", "12b1"} expected := []int{0, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1} for i, str1 := range testdata1 { res := versionStringPartCompare(str1, testdata2[i]) if res != expected[i] { t.Error("Unexpected version string compare result:", res, "str1:", str1, "str2:", testdata2[i]) } } } func TestIsAlphaNumeric(t *testing.T) { testdata := []string{"test", "123test", "test1234_123", "test#", "test-"} expected := []bool{true, true, true, false, false} for i, str := range testdata { if IsAlphaNumeric(str) != expected[i] { t.Error("Unexpected result for alphanumeric test:", str) } } } func TestIsTrueValue(t *testing.T) { testdata := []string{"1", "ok", "1", "FaLse", "0"} expected := []bool{true, true, true, false, false} for i, str := range testdata { if IsTrueValue(str) != expected[i] { t.Error("Unexpected result for alphanumeric test:", str) } } } func TestIndexOf(t *testing.T) { slice := []string{"foo", "bar", "test"} if res := IndexOf("foo", slice); res != 0 { t.Error("Unexpected result", res) return } if res := IndexOf("bar", slice); res != 1 { t.Error("Unexpected result", res) return } if res := IndexOf("test", slice); res != 2 { t.Error("Unexpected result", res) return } if res := IndexOf("hans", slice); res != -1 { t.Error("Unexpected result", res) return } } func TestMapKeys(t *testing.T) { testMap := map[string]interface{}{ "1": "2", "3": "4", "5": "6", } if res := MapKeys(testMap); fmt.Sprint(res) != "[1 3 5]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } } func TestGenerateRollingString(t *testing.T) { testdata := []string{"_-=-_", "abc", "=", ""} testlen := []int{20, 4, 5, 100} expected := []string{"_-=-__-=-__-=-__-=-_", "abca", "=====", ""} for i, str := range testdata { res := GenerateRollingString(str, testlen[i]) if res != expected[i] { t.Error("Unexpected result for creating a roling string from:", str, "result:", res, "expected:", expected[i]) } } } func TestConvertToString(t *testing.T) { if res := ConvertToString(""); res != "" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString("test"); res != "test" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString(4.123); res != "4.123" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString(6); res != "6" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString(map[string]int{"z": 1, "d": 2, "a": 4}); res != `{"a":4,"d":2,"z":1}` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString([]int{1, 2, 3}); res != "[1,2,3]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString(map[interface{}]interface{}{"z": 1, "d": 2, "a": 4}); res != `{"a":4,"d":2,"z":1}` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString(map[interface{}]interface{}{"z": []interface{}{1, 2, 3}, "d": 2, "a": 4}); res != `{"a":4,"d":2,"z":[1,2,3]}` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString([]interface{}{1, sync.Mutex{}, 3}); res != `[1,{},3]` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString([]interface{}{1, map[interface{}]interface{}{1: 2}, 3}); res != `[1,{"1":2},3]` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString(&bytes.Buffer{}); res != "" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } // Not much to do with such a construct but we shouldn't fail! type foo struct{ i int } x := make(map[foo]foo) x[foo{1}] = foo{2} if res := ConvertToString(x); res != "map[{1}:{2}]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } } func TestConvertToPrettyString(t *testing.T) { if res := ConvertToPrettyString(""); res != `""` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToPrettyString("test"); res != `"test"` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToPrettyString(4.123); res != "4.123" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToString(6); res != "6" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToPrettyString(map[string]int{"z": 1, "d": 2, "a": 4}); res != `{ "a": 4, "d": 2, "z": 1 }` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToPrettyString([]int{1, 2, 3}); res != `[ 1, 2, 3 ]` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToPrettyString(map[interface{}]interface{}{"z": 1, "d": 2, "a": 4}); res != `{ "a": 4, "d": 2, "z": 1 }` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToPrettyString(map[interface{}]interface{}{"z": []interface{}{1, 2, 3}, "d": 2, "a": 4}); res != `{ "a": 4, "d": 2, "z": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToPrettyString([]interface{}{1, sync.Mutex{}, 3}); res != `[ 1, {}, 3 ]` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToPrettyString([]interface{}{1, map[interface{}]interface{}{1: 2}, 3}); res != `[ 1, { "1": 2 }, 3 ]` { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := ConvertToPrettyString(&bytes.Buffer{}); res != "{}" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } // Not much to do with such a construct but we shouldn't fail! type foo struct{ i int } x := make(map[foo]foo) x[foo{1}] = foo{2} if res := ConvertToPrettyString(x); res != "map[{1}:{2}]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } } func TestMD5HexString(t *testing.T) { res := MD5HexString("This is a test") if res != "ce114e4501d2f4e2dcea3e17b546f339" { t.Error("Unexpected md5 hex result", res) } } func TestLengthConstantEquals(t *testing.T) { if !LengthConstantEquals([]byte("test1"), []byte("test1")) { t.Error("Unexpected result") return } if LengthConstantEquals([]byte("test1"), []byte("test2")) { t.Error("Unexpected result") return } if LengthConstantEquals([]byte("test1"), []byte("test2test123")) { t.Error("Unexpected result") return } } func TestPrintGraphicStringTable(t *testing.T) { if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(nil, 0, 5, nil); res != "" { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } if res := PrintGraphicStringTable([]string{}, 4, 5, SingleLineTable); res != ` ┌┐ └┘ `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } if res := PrintCSVTable([]string{}, 4); res != "" { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } test1 := []string{"foo", "bar", "tester", "1", "xxx", "test", "te", "foo", "bar", "tester", "1"} if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 4, 5, SingleLineTable); res != ` ┌────┬───────┬───────┬────┐ │foo │bar │tester │1 │ │xxx │test │te │foo │ │bar │tester │1 │ │ └────┴───────┴───────┴────┘ `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } if res := PrintCSVTable(test1, 4); res != ` foo, bar, tester, 1 xxx, test, te, foo bar, tester, 1 `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } test1 = []string{"foo", "bar", "tester", "1", "xxx", "test", "te", "foo", "bar"} if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 4, 5, nil); res != ` ######################### #foo #bar #tester #1 # #xxx #test #te #foo # #bar # # # # ######################### `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } test1 = []string{"foo", "bar", "tester", "1", "xxx", "test", "te", "foo"} if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 4, 5, nil); res != ` ######################### #foo #bar #tester #1 # #xxx #test #te #foo # ######################### `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } test1 = []string{"foo", "bar", "tester", "1", "xxx", "test", "te", "foo"} if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 1, 2, SingleLineTable); res != ` ┌───────┐ │foo │ │bar │ ├───────┤ │tester │ │1 │ │xxx │ │test │ │te │ │foo │ └───────┘ `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } if res := PrintCSVTable(test1, 1); res != ` foo bar tester 1 xxx test te foo `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 100, 0, nil); res != ` ########################################## #foo #bar #tester #1 #xxx #test #te #foo # ########################################## `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } test1 = []string{"foo", "bar", "tester", "1", "xxx", "test", "te", "foo"} if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 4, 5, SingleLineTable); res != ` ┌────┬─────┬───────┬────┐ │foo │bar │tester │1 │ │xxx │test │te │foo │ └────┴─────┴───────┴────┘ `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } test1 = []string{"foo", "bar", "tester", "1", "xxx", "test", "te", "foo"} if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 1, 2, SingleDoubleLineTable); res != ` ╒═══════╕ │foo │ │bar │ ╞═══════╡ │tester │ │1 │ │xxx │ │test │ │te │ │foo │ ╘═══════╛ `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 1, 2, DoubleSingleLineTable); res != ` ╓───────╖ ║foo ║ ║bar ║ ╟───────╢ ║tester ║ ║1 ║ ║xxx ║ ║test ║ ║te ║ ║foo ║ ╙───────╜ `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 1, 2, DoubleLineTable); res != ` ╔═══════╗ ║foo ║ ║bar ║ ╠═══════╣ ║tester ║ ║1 ║ ║xxx ║ ║test ║ ║te ║ ║foo ║ ╚═══════╝ `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } if res := PrintGraphicStringTable(test1, 100, 0, SingleLineTable); res != ` ┌────┬────┬───────┬──┬────┬─────┬───┬────┐ │foo │bar │tester │1 │xxx │test │te │foo │ └────┴────┴───────┴──┴────┴─────┴───┴────┘ `[1:] { t.Error("Unexpected result:\n", "#\n"+res+"#") return } } func TestCamelCaseSplit(t *testing.T) { if res := fmt.Sprint(CamelCaseSplit("FooBar")); res != "[Foo Bar]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := fmt.Sprint(CamelCaseSplit("FooB#ar")); res != "[Foo B # ar]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := fmt.Sprint(CamelCaseSplit("fOObAR")); res != "[f O Ob AR]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := fmt.Sprint(CamelCaseSplit("lower")); res != "[lower]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := fmt.Sprint(CamelCaseSplit("foo1bar")); res != "[foo 1 bar]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := fmt.Sprint(CamelCaseSplit("Low\xf2\xe6Er1")); res != "[Low\xf2\xe6Er1]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } if res := fmt.Sprint(CamelCaseSplit("ROCKHard")); res != "[ROCK Hard]" { t.Error("Unexpected result:", res) return } }