/* * Public Domain Software * * I (Matthias Ladkau) am the author of the source code in this file. * I have placed the source code in this file in the public domain. * * For further information see: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ package parser import ( "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" "devt.de/krotik/common/stringutil" ) /* LexToken represents a token which is returned by the lexer. */ type LexToken struct { ID LexTokenID // Token kind Pos int // Starting position (in runes) Val string // Token value Lline int // Line in the input this token appears Lpos int // Position in the input line this token appears } /* PosString returns the position of this token in the origianl input as a string. */ func (t LexToken) PosString() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Line %v, Pos %v", t.Lline, t.Lpos) } /* String returns a string representation of a token. */ func (t LexToken) String() string { switch { case t.ID == TokenEOF: return "EOF" case t.ID == TokenError: return fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s (%s)", t.Val, t.PosString()) case t.ID == TokenName: return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", t.Val) case t.ID == TokenStringValue: return fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", t.Val) case t.ID == TokenIntValue: return fmt.Sprintf("int(%s)", t.Val) case t.ID == TokenFloatValue: return fmt.Sprintf("flt(%s)", t.Val) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s", t.Val) } /* SymbolMap is a map of special symbols */ var SymbolMap = map[string]LexTokenID{ "!": TokenPunctuator, "$": TokenPunctuator, "(": TokenPunctuator, ")": TokenPunctuator, ":": TokenPunctuator, "=": TokenPunctuator, "@": TokenPunctuator, "[": TokenPunctuator, "]": TokenPunctuator, "{": TokenPunctuator, "|": TokenPunctuator, "}": TokenPunctuator, // "..." Is checked as a special case } // Lexer // ===== /* RuneEOF is a special rune which represents the end of the input */ const RuneEOF = -1 /* RuneComma is the rune for a comma */ const RuneComma = ',' /* Function which represents the current state of the lexer and returns the next state */ type lexFunc func() lexFunc /* Lexer data structure */ type lexer struct { name string // Name to identify the input input string // Input string of the lexer pos int // Current rune pointer line int // Current line pointer lastnl int // Last newline position width int // Width of last rune start int // Start position of the current red token tokens chan LexToken // Channel for lexer output } /* Lex lexes a given input. Returns a channel which contains tokens. */ func Lex(name string, input string) chan LexToken { l := &lexer{name, input, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, make(chan LexToken)} go l.run() return l.tokens } /* LexToList lexes a given input. Returns a list of tokens. */ func LexToList(name string, input string) []LexToken { var tokens []LexToken for t := range Lex(name, input) { tokens = append(tokens, t) } return tokens } /* run is the main loop of the lexer. */ func (l *lexer) run() { if l.skipWhiteSpace() { for state := l.lexToken; state != nil; { state = state() if !l.skipWhiteSpace() { break } } } close(l.tokens) } /* next returns the next rune in the input and advances the current rune pointer if the peek value is -1 or smaller. If the peek value is 0 or greater then the nth token from the current position is returned without advancing the current rune pointer. */ func (l *lexer) next(peek int) rune { var r rune var w, peekw int // Check if we reached the end if int(l.pos) >= len(l.input) { return RuneEOF } // Decode the next rune peeklen := 1 + peek if peeklen < 1 { peeklen = 1 } for i := 0; i < peeklen; i++ { r, w = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.input[l.pos+peekw:]) peekw += w } if peek == -1 { l.width = w l.pos += l.width } return r } /* hasSequence checks if the next characters are of the following sequence. */ func (l *lexer) hasSequence(s string) bool { runes := stringutil.StringToRuneSlice(s) for i := 0; i < len(runes); i++ { if l.next(i) != runes[i] { return false } } return true } /* startNew starts a new token. */ func (l *lexer) startNew() { l.start = l.pos } /* emitTokenAndValue passes a token with a given value back to the client. */ func (l *lexer) emitToken(i LexTokenID, val string) { if l.tokens != nil { l.tokens <- LexToken{i, l.start, val, l.line + 1, l.start - l.lastnl + 1} } } // State functions // =============== /* lexToken is the main entry function for the lexer. */ func (l *lexer) lexToken() lexFunc { l.startNew() l.lexTextBlock() token := l.input[l.start:l.pos] // Check for Comment - @spec 2.1.4, 2.1.7 if token == "#" { return l.skipRestOfLine() } // Lexical tokens - @spec 2.1.6 // Check for String if token == "\"" { return l.lexStringValue() } // Check for Punctuator - @spec 2.1.8 if _, ok := SymbolMap[token]; ok || token == "..." { l.emitToken(TokenPunctuator, token) return l.lexToken } // Check for Name - @spec 2.1.9 isName, _ := regexp.MatchString("^[_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*$", token) if isName { l.emitToken(TokenName, token) return l.lexToken } // Check for IntValue - @spec 2.9.1 isZero, _ := regexp.MatchString("^-?0$", token) isInt, _ := regexp.MatchString("^-?[1-9][0-9]*$", token) if isZero || isInt { l.emitToken(TokenIntValue, token) return l.lexToken } // Check for FloatValue - @spec 2.9.2 isFloat1, _ := regexp.MatchString("^[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*$", token) isFloat2, _ := regexp.MatchString("^[0-9][eE][+-]?[0-9]*$", token) isFloat3, _ := regexp.MatchString("^[0-9]*\\.[0-9][eE][+-]?[0-9]*$", token) if isFloat1 || isFloat2 || isFloat3 { l.emitToken(TokenFloatValue, strings.ToLower(token)) return l.lexToken } // Everything else is an error l.emitToken(TokenError, token) return l.lexToken } /* lexTextBlock lexes a block of text without whitespaces. Interprets optionally all one or two letter tokens. */ func (l *lexer) lexTextBlock() { r := l.next(0) // Check if we start with a known symbol if _, ok := SymbolMap[strings.ToLower(string(r))]; ok || r == '#' || r == '"' { l.next(-1) return } else if r == '.' && l.hasSequence("...") { l.next(-1) l.next(-1) l.next(-1) return } for !l.isIgnoredRune(r) { l.next(-1) r = l.next(0) // Check if we find a token in the block if _, ok := SymbolMap[strings.ToLower(string(r))]; ok || r == '#' || r == '"' { return } else if r == '.' && l.hasSequence("...") { return } } } /* lexStringValue lexes a string value either as a simple string or a block string. Values can be declared in different ways: " ... " A normal string (escape sequences are interpreted) """ ... """ A multi-line string (escape sequences are not interpreted) */ func (l *lexer) lexStringValue() lexFunc { var isEnd func(rune) bool // String value lexing - @spec 2.9.4 // Lookahead 2 tokens r1 := l.next(0) r2 := l.next(1) isBlockString := r1 == '"' && r2 == '"' if isBlockString { // Consume the initial quotes for blockstrings l.next(-1) l.next(-1) isEnd = func(r rune) bool { r1 := l.next(0) r2 := l.next(1) return r == '"' && r1 == '"' && r2 == '"' } } else { isEnd = func(r rune) bool { return r == '"' } } r := l.next(-1) lLine := l.line lLastnl := l.lastnl for !isEnd(r) { if r == '\n' { lLine++ lLastnl = l.pos } r = l.next(-1) if r == RuneEOF { l.emitToken(TokenError, "EOF inside quotes") return nil } } if !isBlockString { val := l.input[l.start+1 : l.pos-1] s, err := strconv.Unquote("\"" + val + "\"") if err != nil { l.emitToken(TokenError, "Could not interpret escape sequence: "+err.Error()) return nil } l.emitToken(TokenStringValue, s) } else { // Consume the final quotes for blockstrings l.next(-1) l.next(-1) token := l.input[l.start+3 : l.pos-3] // Since block strings represent freeform text often used in indented // positions, the string value semantics of a block string excludes uniform // indentation and blank initial and trailing lines // (from spec about 'Block Strings') token = stringutil.StripUniformIndentation(token) token = stringutil.TrimBlankLines(token) l.emitToken(TokenStringValue, token) } // Set newline l.line = lLine l.lastnl = lLastnl return l.lexToken } /* isIgnoredRune checks if a given rune should be ignored. */ func (l *lexer) isIgnoredRune(r rune) bool { // Ignored tokens - @spec 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.3, 2.1.5, 2.1.7 return unicode.IsSpace(r) || unicode.IsControl(r) || r == RuneEOF || r == RuneComma || r == '\ufeff' } /* skipWhiteSpace skips any number of whitespace characters. Returns false if the parser reaches EOF while skipping whitespaces. */ func (l *lexer) skipWhiteSpace() bool { r := l.next(0) for l.isIgnoredRune(r) { if r == '\n' { l.line++ l.lastnl = l.pos } l.next(-1) if r == RuneEOF { l.startNew() l.start-- l.emitToken(TokenEOF, "") return false } r = l.next(0) } return true } /* skipRestOfLine skips all characters until the next newline character. */ func (l *lexer) skipRestOfLine() lexFunc { r := l.next(-1) for r != '\n' && r != RuneEOF { r = l.next(-1) } if r == RuneEOF { return nil } l.line++ l.lastnl = l.pos - 1 return l.lexToken }