/* * Public Domain Software * * I (Matthias Ladkau) am the author of the source code in this file. * I have placed the source code in this file in the public domain. * * For further information see: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ package parser import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" ) var namePattern = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$") var numberPattern = regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9].*$") /* LexToken represents a token which is returned by the lexer. */ type LexToken struct { ID LexTokenID // Token kind Pos int // Starting position (in bytes) Val string // Token value Identifier bool // Flag if the value is an identifier (not quoted and not a number) Lline int // Line in the input this token appears Lpos int // Position in the input line this token appears } /* NewLexTokenInstance creates a new LexToken object instance from given LexToken values. */ func NewLexTokenInstance(t LexToken) *LexToken { return &LexToken{ t.ID, t.Pos, t.Val, t.Identifier, t.Lline, t.Lpos, } } /* Equal checks if this LexToken equals another LexToken. Returns also a message describing what is the found difference. */ func (n LexToken) Equals(other LexToken, ignorePosition bool) (bool, string) { var res = true var msg = "" if n.ID != other.ID { res = false msg += fmt.Sprintf("ID is different %v vs %v\n", n.ID, other.ID) } if !ignorePosition && n.Pos != other.Pos { res = false msg += fmt.Sprintf("Pos is different %v vs %v\n", n.Pos, other.Pos) } if n.Val != other.Val { res = false msg += fmt.Sprintf("Val is different %v vs %v\n", n.Val, other.Val) } if n.Identifier != other.Identifier { res = false msg += fmt.Sprintf("Identifier is different %v vs %v\n", n.Identifier, other.Identifier) } if !ignorePosition && n.Lline != other.Lline { res = false msg += fmt.Sprintf("Lline is different %v vs %v\n", n.Lline, other.Lline) } if !ignorePosition && n.Lpos != other.Lpos { res = false msg += fmt.Sprintf("Lpos is different %v vs %v\n", n.Lpos, other.Lpos) } if msg != "" { var buf bytes.Buffer out, _ := json.MarshalIndent(n, "", " ") buf.WriteString(string(out)) buf.WriteString("\nvs\n") out, _ = json.MarshalIndent(other, "", " ") buf.WriteString(string(out)) msg = fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", msg, buf.String()) } return res, msg } /* PosString returns the position of this token in the origianl input as a string. */ func (t LexToken) PosString() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Line %v, Pos %v", t.Lline, t.Lpos) } /* String returns a string representation of a token. */ func (t LexToken) String() string { prefix := "" if !t.Identifier { prefix = "v:" // Value is not an identifier } switch { case t.ID == TokenEOF: return "EOF" case t.ID == TokenError: return fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s (%s)", t.Val, t.PosString()) case t.ID == TokenPRECOMMENT: return fmt.Sprintf("/* %s */", t.Val) case t.ID == TokenPOSTCOMMENT: return fmt.Sprintf("# %s", t.Val) case t.ID > TOKENodeSYMBOLS && t.ID < TOKENodeKEYWORDS: return fmt.Sprintf("%s", strings.ToUpper(t.Val)) case t.ID > TOKENodeKEYWORDS: return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", strings.ToUpper(t.Val)) case len(t.Val) > 20: // Special case for very long values return fmt.Sprintf("%s%.10q...", prefix, t.Val) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s%q", prefix, t.Val) } // Meta data interface /* Type returns the meta data type. */ func (t LexToken) Type() string { if t.ID == TokenPRECOMMENT { return MetaDataPreComment } else if t.ID == TokenPOSTCOMMENT { return MetaDataPostComment } return MetaDataGeneral } /* Value returns the meta data value. */ func (t LexToken) Value() string { return t.Val } /* KeywordMap is a map of keywords - these require spaces between them */ var KeywordMap = map[string]LexTokenID{ // Import statement "import": TokenIMPORT, "as": TokenAS, // Sink definition "sink": TokenSINK, "kindmatch": TokenKINDMATCH, "scopematch": TokenSCOPEMATCH, "statematch": TokenSTATEMATCH, "priority": TokenPRIORITY, "suppresses": TokenSUPPRESSES, // Function definition "func": TokenFUNC, // Boolean operators "and": TokenAND, "or": TokenOR, "not": TokenNOT, // String operators "like": TokenLIKE, "hasprefix": TokenHASPREFIX, "hassuffix": TokenHASSUFFIX, // List operators "in": TokenIN, "notin": TokenNOTIN, // Constant terminals "false": TokenFALSE, "true": TokenTRUE, "null": TokenNULL, // Conditional statements "if": TokenIF, "elif": TokenELIF, "else": TokenELSE, // Loop statements "for": TokenFOR, "break": TokenBREAK, "continue": TokenCONTINUE, } /* SymbolMap is a map of special symbols which will always be unique - these will separate unquoted strings Symbols can be maximal 2 characters long. */ var SymbolMap = map[string]LexTokenID{ // Condition operators ">=": TokenGEQ, "<=": TokenLEQ, "!=": TokenNEQ, "==": TokenEQ, ">": TokenGT, "<": TokenLT, // Grouping symbols "(": TokenLPAREN, ")": TokenRPAREN, "[": TokenLBRACK, "]": TokenRBRACK, "{": TokenLBRACE, "}": TokenRBRACE, // Sequence symbols ".": TokenDOT, ",": TokenCOMMA, ":": TokenCOLON, ";": TokenSEMICOLON, // Arithmetic operators "+": TokenPLUS, "-": TokenMINUS, "*": TokenTIMES, "/": TokenDIV, "//": TokenDIVINT, "%": TokenMODINT, // Assignment statement ":=": TokenASSIGN, } // Lexer // ===== /* RuneEOF is a special rune which represents the end of the input */ const RuneEOF = -1 /* Function which represents the current state of the lexer and returns the next state */ type lexFunc func(*lexer) lexFunc /* Lexer data structure */ type lexer struct { name string // Name to identify the input input string // Input string of the lexer pos int // Current rune pointer line int // Current line pointer lastnl int // Last newline position width int // Width of last rune start int // Start position of the current red token tokens chan LexToken // Channel for lexer output } /* Lex lexes a given input. Returns a channel which contains tokens. */ func Lex(name string, input string) chan LexToken { l := &lexer{name, input, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, make(chan LexToken)} go l.run() return l.tokens } /* LexToList lexes a given input. Returns a list of tokens. */ func LexToList(name string, input string) []LexToken { var tokens []LexToken for t := range Lex(name, input) { tokens = append(tokens, t) } return tokens } /* Main loop of the lexer. */ func (l *lexer) run() { if skipWhiteSpace(l) { for state := lexToken; state != nil; { state = state(l) if !skipWhiteSpace(l) { break } } } close(l.tokens) } /* next returns the next rune in the input and advances the current rune pointer if peek is 0. If peek is >0 then the nth character is returned without advancing the rune pointer. */ func (l *lexer) next(peek int) rune { // Check if we reached the end if int(l.pos) >= len(l.input) { return RuneEOF } // Decode the next rune pos := l.pos if peek > 0 { pos += peek - 1 } r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.input[pos:]) if peek == 0 { l.width = w l.pos += l.width } return r } /* backup sets the pointer one rune back. Can only be called once per next call. */ func (l *lexer) backup(width int) { if width == 0 { width = l.width } l.pos -= width } /* startNew starts a new token. */ func (l *lexer) startNew() { l.start = l.pos } /* emitToken passes a token back to the client. */ func (l *lexer) emitToken(t LexTokenID) { if t == TokenEOF { l.emitTokenAndValue(t, "", false) return } if l.tokens != nil { l.tokens <- LexToken{t, l.start, l.input[l.start:l.pos], false, l.line + 1, l.start - l.lastnl + 1} } } /* emitTokenAndValue passes a token with a given value back to the client. */ func (l *lexer) emitTokenAndValue(t LexTokenID, val string, identifier bool) { if l.tokens != nil { l.tokens <- LexToken{t, l.start, val, identifier, l.line + 1, l.start - l.lastnl + 1} } } /* emitError passes an error token back to the client. */ func (l *lexer) emitError(msg string) { if l.tokens != nil { l.tokens <- LexToken{TokenError, l.start, msg, false, l.line + 1, l.start - l.lastnl + 1} } } // Helper functions // ================ /* skipWhiteSpace skips any number of whitespace characters. Returns false if the parser reaches EOF while skipping whitespaces. */ func skipWhiteSpace(l *lexer) bool { r := l.next(0) for unicode.IsSpace(r) || unicode.IsControl(r) || r == RuneEOF { if r == '\n' { l.line++ l.lastnl = l.pos } r = l.next(0) if r == RuneEOF { l.emitToken(TokenEOF) return false } } l.backup(0) return true } /* lexTextBlock lexes a block of text without whitespaces. Interprets optionally all one or two letter tokens. */ func lexTextBlock(l *lexer, interpretToken bool) { r := l.next(0) if interpretToken { // Check if we start with a known symbol nr := l.next(1) if _, ok := SymbolMap[strings.ToLower(string(r)+string(nr))]; ok { l.next(0) return } if _, ok := SymbolMap[strings.ToLower(string(r))]; ok { return } } for !unicode.IsSpace(r) && !unicode.IsControl(r) && r != RuneEOF { if interpretToken { // Check if we find a token in the block if _, ok := SymbolMap[strings.ToLower(string(r))]; ok { l.backup(0) return } nr := l.next(1) if _, ok := SymbolMap[strings.ToLower(string(r)+string(nr))]; ok { l.backup(0) return } } r = l.next(0) } if r != RuneEOF { l.backup(0) } } /* lexNumberBlock lexes a block potentially containing a number. */ func lexNumberBlock(l *lexer) { r := l.next(0) for !unicode.IsSpace(r) && !unicode.IsControl(r) && r != RuneEOF { if !unicode.IsNumber(r) && r != '.' { if r == 'e' { l1 := l.next(1) l2 := l.next(2) if l1 != '+' || !unicode.IsNumber(l2) { break } l.next(0) l.next(0) } else { break } } r = l.next(0) } if r != RuneEOF { l.backup(0) } } // State functions // =============== /* lexToken is the main entry function for the lexer. */ func lexToken(l *lexer) lexFunc { // Check if we got a quoted value or a comment n1 := l.next(1) n2 := l.next(2) // Parse comments if (n1 == '/' && n2 == '*') || n1 == '#' { return lexComment } // Parse strings if (n1 == '"' || n1 == '\'') || (n1 == 'r' && (n2 == '"' || n2 == '\'')) { return lexValue } // Lex a block of text and emit any found tokens l.startNew() // First try to parse a number lexNumberBlock(l) keywordCandidate := strings.ToLower(l.input[l.start:l.pos]) // Check for number if numberPattern.MatchString(keywordCandidate) { _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(keywordCandidate, 64) if err == nil { l.emitTokenAndValue(TokenNUMBER, keywordCandidate, false) return lexToken } } if len(keywordCandidate) > 0 { l.backup(l.pos - l.start) } lexTextBlock(l, true) keywordCandidate = strings.ToLower(l.input[l.start:l.pos]) // Check for keyword token, ok := KeywordMap[keywordCandidate] if !ok { // Check for symbol token, ok = SymbolMap[keywordCandidate] } if ok { // A known token was found l.emitToken(token) } else { if !namePattern.MatchString(keywordCandidate) { l.emitError(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot parse identifier '%v'. Identifies may only contain [a-zA-Z] and [a-zA-Z0-9] from the second character", keywordCandidate)) return nil } // An identifier was found l.emitTokenAndValue(TokenIDENTIFIER, keywordCandidate, true) } return lexToken } /* lexValue lexes a string value. Values can be declared in different ways: ' ... ' or " ... " Characters are parsed between quotes (escape sequences are interpreted) r' ... ' or r" ... " Characters are parsed plain between quote */ func lexValue(l *lexer) lexFunc { var endToken rune l.startNew() allowEscapes := false r := l.next(0) // Check if we have a raw quoted string if q := l.next(1); r == 'r' && (q == '"' || q == '\'') { endToken = q l.next(0) } else { allowEscapes = true endToken = r } r = l.next(0) rprev := ' ' lLine := l.line lLastnl := l.lastnl for (!allowEscapes && r != endToken) || (allowEscapes && (r != endToken || rprev == '\\')) { if r == '\n' { lLine++ lLastnl = l.pos } rprev = r r = l.next(0) if r == RuneEOF { l.emitError("Unexpected end while reading string value (unclosed quotes)") return nil } } if allowEscapes { val := l.input[l.start+1 : l.pos-1] // Interpret escape sequences right away if endToken == '\'' { // Escape double quotes in a single quoted string val = strings.Replace(val, "\"", "\\\"", -1) } s, err := strconv.Unquote("\"" + val + "\"") if err != nil { l.emitError(err.Error() + " while parsing string") return nil } l.emitTokenAndValue(TokenSTRING, s, true) } else { l.emitTokenAndValue(TokenSTRING, l.input[l.start+2:l.pos-1], true) } // Set newline l.line = lLine l.lastnl = lLastnl return lexToken } /* lexComment lexes comments. */ func lexComment(l *lexer) lexFunc { // Consume initial /* r := l.next(0) if r == '#' { l.startNew() for r != '\n' && r != RuneEOF { r = l.next(0) } l.emitTokenAndValue(TokenPOSTCOMMENT, l.input[l.start:l.pos], false) if r == RuneEOF { return nil } l.line++ } else { l.next(0) lLine := l.line lLastnl := l.lastnl l.startNew() r = l.next(0) for r != '*' && l.next(1) != '/' { if r == '\n' { lLine++ lLastnl = l.pos } r = l.next(0) if r == RuneEOF { l.emitError("Unexpected end while reading comment") return nil } } l.emitTokenAndValue(TokenPRECOMMENT, l.input[l.start:l.pos-1], false) // Consume final / l.next(0) // Set newline l.line = lLine l.lastnl = lLastnl } return lexToken }