tft_display.txt 604 B

  1. Update:
  2. Add to /boot/config.txt:
  3. dtparam=spi=on
  4. dtoverlay=adafruit18,rotate=0
  5. Old:
  6. TFT Display
  7. --
  8. Driver:
  9. Docs:
  10. apt-get install binutils
  11. Add to /boot/config.txt
  12. dtparam=spi=on
  13. Manually load driver with:
  14. sudo modprobe fbtft_device name=adafruit18
  15. Add to /etc/modules
  16. fbtft_device
  17. Create /etc/modprobe.d/fbtft_device.conf
  18. options fbtft_device name=adafruit18
  19. See kernel messages with:
  20. dmesg -w
  21. Check display:
  22. fbset -fb /dev/fb1
  23. Test display output:
  24. cat /dev/urandom >/dev/fb1
  25. Install python game
  26. apt-get install python3-pygame